United in their opposition to the neo-conservatism underpinning America’s current political strategies, the contributors offer a grounded critique of the real impact that these policies make, at home and abroad.
Starting with a close analysis of the Bush administration and the neo-conservative hold on power in Washington, they move on to a broader historical analysis. They set today’s topical issues in the context of what they see as a gradual shift towards the right in American politics, and the creeping corporatisation of American society. The contributors show that September 11 was used by the Bush administration to clamp down on civil liberties at home and to step up an aggressive line in foreign policy. The impact on American society, and societies elsewhere, has been deeply damaging.
Ranging over this and other topics including the US economy, corporate crime and anti-environmentalism, this book is ideal for anyone who wants a critical introduction to current affairs issues, set within the broader context of America’s history of foreign interventions and global capitalism.
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Foreword by Bernd Hamm
Introduction by Bernd Hamm
1. The Power Cadres
2. The Bush Family Saga by William Bowles
3. War Hawks and the Ugly American by Andrew Austin
4. September 11 and the Bush Administration by Walter E. Davis
5. The neo-liberal destruction of American society
6. Above the Law: Executive Powers after September 11 by Alison
Parker and Jamie Fellner
7. The US Economy by Trevor Evans
8. The Way Towards Corporate Crime by Ted Nace
9. The Real State of the Union by Jay Shaft
10. The Ascendancy of Anti-Environmentalism by Andrew Austin, Laurel Phoenix
11. The World Hegemon
12. Wars of Terror by Noam Chomsky
13. History of United States Interventions by William Blum
14. Global Poverty in the Late Twentieth Century by Michel Chossudovsky
15. The Other America
16. Dissenting Groups and Movements by Laurel Phoenix
Over de auteur
Bernd Hamm (1945-2015) was Professor of Sociology, Jean Monnet Professor of European Studies, and UNESCO Chair in Europe in a Global Perspective at the University of Trier, Germany. He is the editor of Devastating Society (Pluto, 2005) and Cultural Imperialism (University of Toronto Press, 2005).