Auteur: Beth R. Minear

I am the mother of a brilliant, special needs son, the step-mother of an adult son and the wife of the coolest husband. I am also an attorney barred in both Pennsylvania and West Virginia and former Senior Attorney for a Fortune 500 company. My practice was primarily oil and gas, supervising legal execution of multi-state, infrastructure projects annually. As a woman over-achiever in a male-dominated industry, there was nothing I couldn’t handle – until June 2012. That summer, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. “What Remains” is my taking control of and making sense of an uncontrollable, incomprehensible life event. Faith, family and friends get me through.

1 Ebooks door Beth R. Minear

Beth R. Minear: What Remains: Breast Cancer, Mastectomy and Getting on with Life
During the Derecho weather event of June 2012, I was blind-sided with the diagnosis of breast cancer. I had faithfully gotten mammograms every year and had no family history on either side, so the sh …