Auteur: Boris Bigalke

Professor Boris Bigalke, MD, MBA (Oxford, UK), LL.M. works as an attending and head of the DGK Cardio MRI Qualification Center at the German Heart Center of the Charité (DHZC), Campus Benjamin Franklin, Clinic for Cardiology, Angiology and Intensive Care Medicine. He also practices complementary medicine with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Traditional Tibetan Medicine (TTM) and yoga movement theory as a sideline. Professor Bigalke is a specialist in internal medicine and holds specializations and additional qualifications in cardiology, acupuncture, nutritional medicine DAEM/DGEM® and magnetic resonance imaging. After studying medicine at the Free University of Berlin, he continued his scientific and clinical career at the Eberhard-Karls-University of Tübingen. Further training led him to surgery at the LIJ Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, USA, to TCM at the WHO Collaborating Center, Beijing, China and to TTM at the Qusar Tibetan Healing Centre, Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh, India. During a long-term research stay, he also worked at King”s College London, Division of College London, Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering London as an Assistant Professor/Honorary Lecturer. He also completed a Master of Business Administration (MBA) Healthcare Management at Magna Carta College, Oxford, UK, and a Master of Laws (LL.M.) with a focus on medical law at the Dresden International University. He is Associate Editor in the journal “ESC Heart Failure” and reviewer in various medical journals and author of more than 130 scientific peer-reviewed publications. Professor Bigalke has been elected as one of Germany”s top physicians in FOCUS-Gesundheit 2021 in the category of cardiological sports medicine, and in 2023 and 2024 in the categories of hypertension and nutritional medicine.

9 Ebooks door Boris Bigalke

Boris Bigalke: Eating Immortally
‘Eating Immortally’ reveals the revolutionary link between nutrition and a vital, energized life. Renowned nutrition expert Professor Boris Bigalke, MD, MBA (Oxford, UK), LL.M. presents groundbreakin …
Boris Bigalke: Unsterblich essen
In ‘Unsterblich essen’ wird die revolutionäre Verbindung zwischen Ernährung und einem vitalen, energiegeladenen Leben enthüllt. Der renommierte Ernährungsexperte Prof. Dr. med. Boris Bigalke, MBA (Ox …
Boris Bigalke: El enigma de la pirámide de Marte
En la desolada extensión de Marte, un equipo internacional de intrépidos exploradores tropieza con reliquias que desafían el tiempo y la razón. Una pirámide de cinco lados, grabada con crípticos jero …
Boris Bigalke: Comer inmortalmente
‘Comer Inmortalmente’ revela el vínculo revolucionario entre la nutrición y una vida vital y llena de energía. El célebre experto en nutrición Prof. Dr. med. Boris Bigalke, MBA (Oxford, Reino Unido), …
Boris Bigalke: Das Rätsel der Marspyramide
In der trostlosen Weite des Mars entdeckt ein internationales Team unerschrockener Forscher eine fünfseitige Pyramide, in die kryptische Hieroglyphen eingraviert sind als Zeugnis einer alten Marszivi …
Boris Bigalke: The Enigma of the Mars Pyramid
In the desolate expanse of Mars, an international team of intrepid explorers stumbles upon relics that defy time and reason. A five-sided pyramid, etched with cryptic hieroglyphs, stands as a testame …
Boris Bigalke: El poder del Templo de Venus
Seis astronautas intentan lo imposible: una misión a Venus, un planeta lleno de peligros y secretos ancestrales. Pero lo que comienza como una exploración científica se convierte en una carrera por l …
Boris Bigalke: Die Kraft des Venustempels
Sechs Astronauten wagen das Unmögliche: eine Mission zur Venus, einem Planeten voller Gefahren und uralter Geheimnisse. Doch was als wissenschaftliche Erkundung beginnt, wird zu einem Wettlauf um das …
Boris Bigalke: The Power of the Venus Temple
Six astronauts dare to do the impossible: a mission to Venus, a planet full of dangers and ancient secrets. But what begins as a scientific exploration turns into a race for survival. Caught between …