Book One
Are your children lovers of nature…like yourself? Over 100 years ago, the Danish author, Carl Ewald, wrote these classic children’s stories that are now available in new English translations. These stories will both entertain and lead your child into an accurate, modern perspective on how the sometimes-hidden World of Nature really works. A near contemporary and admirer of Charles Darwin, Ewald’s early training as a field biologist and forester gave him huge insights into nature and spurred an interest that lasted throughout his life. His innovative approach created biology lessons in fable-story form for kids. Darwin himself would have approved.
Teachers, homeschoolers, parents: Are you looking for exceptional content in your Middle-Grade children’s reading choices? Read the first story now as an example. (available under Look Inside) and guide them into constructive, substantive readings covering such topics as: natural selection, adaptation, mate choice, competition, predation, bee colony life, the squeezing of wildlife habitat, forest preservation, earthworms as nature’s soil tillers, and island formation from coral development through immense time.
This first book of ten richly-colored illustrated stories is a sampling of not just the sweep of Ewald’s interest in revealing a real-world nature, but also the high literary quality of his stories. His major concern was to steer children (and their mentors) into learning the truth of nature’s amazing complexity, while suceeding to make it simple enough for a child to understand.
There are many other stories and major topics that you will find in Books Two and Three of this series. Have a look.
Don’t Mess with Lady Spider
Original Danish Title: Edderkoppen (The Spider)
The Cuckoo’s Dilemma
Gøgen (The Cuckoo)
Why The Mighty Oak Fell
En Fornem Herre (A Distinguished Gentleman)
The Combatting Queens
Bidronningen (The Queen Bee)
The Disobedient Owl
Natten (Night Time)
The Man Who Wouldn’t Eat Strawberries
Den Gode Mand (The Good Man)
Why the Worms Left
Den Sorte Muld (The Black Humus)
The Coral That Built an Island
Korallerne (The Corals)
Natural Enemies
Nonnerne (The Nuns)
The Wily Fox
Ræven (The Fox)