Auteur: Carmen V. Sciortino

Carmen V. Sciortino is a Clinical Professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of Louisville School of Medicine, and Chief of Microbiology and Associate Director of Molecular Pathology at the Robley Rex Veterans Healthcare Medical Center in Louisville, KY, USA.

2 Ebooks door Carmen V. Sciortino

Carmen V. Sciortino: Atlas of Clinically Important Fungi
Although there are many texts that provide quality information for the identification of fungi, researchers and technologists rarely have time to read the text. Most are rushed for time and seek morp …
Carmen V. Sciortino: Atlas of Clinically Important Fungi
Although there are many texts that provide quality information for the identification of fungi, researchers and technologists rarely have time to read the text. Most are rushed for time and seek morp …