Ebook OndersteuningCatalogFictieKinderboekenReizenGidsenMenswetenschappenWetenschappenSociale wetenschappenSchool / studieNon-fictie4.990.900 E-boeken in deze categorie Lorenza Schinner: Plant Growth and Development This book has three directions of special emphasis: first, to develop the student’s reliance on experiments in forming generalizations about his science; second, to depict science as a complex of imp … EPUB Adobe DRM €386.05 Arnold Kilback: Histology for Medical Students Histology for Medical Students has been so designed as to make the subject of histology easily comprehensible for the medical students of our region. The basic principle of explaining correlation bet … EPUB Adobe DRM €385.77 Silas Lynch: Reform in Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea is a land of many contrasts-over 860 languages, many tribes, each one regarding itself as sovereign, consists of 1, 000 people who speak more than one language or dialect. The countr … EPUB Adobe DRM €384.75 Donald Hammes: Assembly Practice in Machine Building This handbook covers the assembly technology and preparation of parts to be assembled; assembly equipment, fixtures, and tools; production of mo-vable and fixod detachable joints and fixed per-manent … EPUB Adobe DRM €386.05 Lisa Dennis: Value Propositions that SELL In today’s hyper competitive markets, it’s hard to get your message heard by the right buyers. Without a rock solid, relevant value proposition, attracting and closing new customers is just plain har … EPUB Adobe DRM €2.57 Heidi Fiedler: La Gran Depresion With this Spanish script, students will act out the story of Florence Owens, a migrant worker and widowed mother of seven during the Great Depression. A published photograph of Florence upset her, bu … EPUB Adobe DRM €23.08 Nellie Wilder: Agua segura para todos (Making Water Safe) Read-along ebook Everyone needs clean water to live. But not everyone has access to clean water. Learn how people around the world are working hard to solve the clean water problem! Created in collaboration with the … EPUB Adobe DRM €25.58 Dona Herweck Rice: Money Matters Learn about financial literacy as you add and subtract decimals. This fiction book seamlessly integrates the teaching of math and reading, and uses real-world examples to teach math concepts. Text fe … EPUB Adobe DRM €28.27 Darlene Misconish Tyler: Tu mundo It is gooey and sweet, a delicious, chewy treat. It is bubblegum! Come along as we smack, blow, and pop our way through addition and subtraction! Students will develop their math skills while engaged … EPUB Adobe DRM €28.13 Ben Nussbaum: Junipero Serra Junipero Serra was an influential Franciscan missionary who created missions that stretched from San Francisco to San Diego. His impact on California is still felt-and debated-today. Explore the hist … EPUB Adobe DRM €25.73 Volgende pagina >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Wijzig gebruikerstaal × ArabischDuitsEngelsSpaansFransHindiIndonesischItaliaansMaleisNederlandsPoolsPortugeesRoemeenseRussischZweedsThaisTurksOekraïensVietnameesChineseInternational Modal ×