Kinderboeken OndersteuningCatalogFictieKinderboekenReizenGidsenMenswetenschappenWetenschappenSociale wetenschappenSchool / studieNon-fictieVerhaalboekenLezing / sprookjesPre-schoolleeftijdKinderen jonger dan 11 jaarKinderen ouder dan 12 jaarBiografieënNon-fictie verhalenboekSpelen / leren239.524 E-boeken in deze categorie Alexandra Penfold: All Are Welcome A bright and uplifting celebration of cultural diversity and belonging, where all children are welcome in the classroom ”If your little one is a little nervous about fitting in and whether they”ll … EPUB Adobe DRM €8.19 Sarah Jane: Adventures of Pinkington Trunk Are you ready for the adventures of Pinkington Trunk?Have you got a cuddly toy? Where oh where could it be!Is it in your bedroom on a shelf above your head, Or is it waiting patiently, tucked up insi … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.49 Geraldine Vincent: Little Red Riding Hood Story Little Red Riding Hood Story: Original and Other Versions is the author’s second book; a retrospective of the tale with six different versions of the same story by different writers, with compelling … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.52 Clare Cheesman: Lilly The Frenchie Lilly is a lively little puppy, enjoying life with mummy dog when she suddenly finds herself being transported into a whole new world that includes a new home, with an interesting array of experience … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.48 Jenny Healey: Dougal LeClair’s Incredible Cake Dougal Le Clair has decided to make a chocolate cake for the local fair’s cake competition. He doesn’t have all the ingredients, including the chocolate he needs. With a bit of bear logic, some cunni … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.49 Dr Henry C Uzokwe: A-Z of What You Can Be When You Grow Up As children love to learn through appealing pictures, they also need to explore the whole world of possibilities around them with high hopes. The A-Z of What You Can Be When You Grow Up introduces a … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.52 Linda Sewell: Born To Change Do you know what that egg will turn into once it has hatched?From bugs and insects to chicks and birds, watch as nature unfolds with the turning of every page.With beautiful illustrations and fantast … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.48 Maree Baigent-Harris: Moana – You Are Valued Can the effects of bullying be reversed before long-term irreparable damage has been done to a child’s life?Maree invites you to go on a journey with Moana. After another lonely, isolating experience … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.49 William Birmingham: Kinderbarton Delve into the captivating world of a three-year-old as he navigates the bewildering realm of adults in Kinderbarton. In this heartwarming tale, Stephen Barton, a typical toddler with a vivid imagina … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.53 Molly Dee: All Puff No Flames Dragon Blue was a dragon who was brought up to be brave and strong.But there was a problem with him: he wasn’t like his family or any other dragon.He couldn’t blow flames, so felt like an outcast.Until one … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.49 Volgende pagina >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Wijzig gebruikerstaal × ArabischDuitsEngelsSpaansFransHindiIndonesischItaliaansMaleisNederlandsPoolsPortugeesRoemeenseRussischZweedsThaisTurksOekraïensVietnameesChineseInternational Modal ×