Astrologie OndersteuningCatalogGidsenNatuurTuinNatuurbegeleidingAstrologieHobbylandbouwPaarden, paardrijdenVissen, jagen331 E-boeken in deze categorie مهجة زايد: برج الجوزاء صاحب هذا البرج يقال عنه مولود ‘زئبقى’ الطبع لأنه من الصعب جداً تحديد ما يمر بخاطره، أو ما يظهر على ملامحه، فهو سريع فى كل شىء وكل أحاسيسه تتداخل معا فى آن واحد… و… وامرأة ذلك البرج تمتلك عقلاً مر … EPUB Arabisch €4.99 مهجة زايد: برج العذراء رجل العذراء ناقد لكل شىء حتى ذاته وهو إنسان واقعى عملى لايحب اللف ولاالدوران، لم يخلق للحب الرومانسى وكل وسائله فى التعبير عن حبه واقعية …و…و.. أما امرأة العذراء فهى ذكية وسريعة الخاطر دقيقة المل … EPUB Arabisch €4.99 Piaoran Ye: 古典占星统宗全书(上册) 内容简介 本书以波斯占星家Ibn Labbān的占星著作《Introduction to Astrology》在中国的译本(《明译天文书》)为底本,作者为之注解,但并未拘泥于原书,而是独立并完整的论述了整个古典占星系统,包括命理、占卜、世运、择吉,从理论引导入门到深入的实践操作,进行了详细的分解,并配备了大量的真实案例。在古典占星主导的案例中,还附带有印度吠陀占星、中国七政四余占星、阿拉伯地卜卦 … EPUB Chinese Adobe DRM €28.99 Helen Gordon: The Meteorites ‘The Meteorites conjures a small epiphany about our own place in the universe’ The Sunday Times ‘Stunning and riveting’ Noreen Masud, author of A Flat Place ‘Dazzling ‘ Financial Times From your wind … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €23.99 Casey Schreiner: Pocket Nature Series: Cloud Spotting A take-anywhere guide to the mindful practice of cloud watching. Press pause, step outside, and look up. There is so much to gain by simply watching the clouds go by. This pocket guide invites you to … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €9.49 C. F. Brooks: Why the Weather? Originally published in the early 1900s, this book is – ‘primarily for the general reader who likes to know more about that much talked about, but little understood, topic – the weather’. Rather than … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €9.49 Alvin Jacque: Catastrophic Gumbo From avalanches to volcanoes, and from the Gulf Oil Spill to bridge collapses, author Alvin Jac Ques explores the fascinating world of disastersboth manmade and natural. Inspired by his survival of H … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €4.49 James P. Ludwig: Anticipating the Inevitable Changes Coming to Canada From his lifelong professional career as an ecological consultant Dr. Ludwig brings a unique perspective to some of the most pressing of Canadas challenges economic, geopolitical, demographic and hyd … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €4.49 Marlene Mesot: Strange Weather Anthology No one can do anything about the weather, but we have captured it. Strange Weather Anthology: True Quirks of Nature is a collection of 15 true life stories from the 11 talented authors who lived thro … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €2.99 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Wijzig gebruikerstaal × ArabischDuitsEngelsSpaansFransHindiIndonesischItaliaansMaleisNederlandsPoolsPortugeesRoemeenseRussischZweedsThaisTurksOekraïensVietnameesChineseInternational Modal ×