Algemeen, Encyclopedieën OndersteuningCatalogMenswetenschappenGeschiedenisAlgemeen, EncyclopedieënPre- en vroege geschiedenisGeschiedenis, oudheidMiddeleeuwenModerne tijden tot 191820ste eeuw tot 1945Hedendaagse geschiedenis (vanaf 1945)Regionale geschiedenisCultuurgeschiedenis3.403 E-boeken in deze categorie Arndt Schmidt: Meeting the Vietnamese Essay from the year 2008 in the subject History – Miscellaneous, grade: 2, 3, University of Cape Town (Department of Historical Studies), course: Hollywood & Vietnam, language: English, abstract: The … EPUB Engels €13.99 Nassef Adiong: Document Analysis of “A History of Medieval Islam” by J.J. Saunders Scientific Essay from the year 2008 in the subject History – Miscellaneous, grade: A, Technological University of the Philippines (Middle East studies), course: for college papers, language: English, … EPUB Engels €5.99 Dimitris Michalopoulos: Upheaval in the Balkans: Venizelos and Politics, 1888-1920 Scientific Study from the year 2014 in the subject History – Miscellaneous, , language: English, abstract: Eleutherios Venizelos (1864-1936) is an emblematic figure in the History of Modern Greece, f … EPUB Engels €24.99 Charles Hazen: History of Europe 1870-1919 THE year 1870 will long remain memorable in the annals of Europe. For in that year occurred a great and decisive war whose outcome was destined to exercise a large and profound influence upon the his … EPUB Engels €0.99 Geoffrey Schöning: Postmodernism – gravedigger of traditional history? Essay from the year 2002 in the subject History – Basics, grade: A+, University of Auckland (Department of History), course: Seminar – Major Problems in Historical Method, Stage III (5.-6. Semester), … EPUB Engels €13.99 S. A. Dunham: A History of the Germanic Empire With Germany prior to the dissolution of the Roman power, the present compendium has no concern: the history of that period is, or ought to be, familiar to every reader. Our object is to contemplate … EPUB Engels €0.99 Otfried Hankel: Migration from the Hüttenberg region (Hessen, Germany) to North America (1819-1915) Document from the year 2013 in the subject History – Miscellaneous, , language: English, abstract: Emigration records of the mayor´s offices Lützellinden and Rechtenbach in the Wetzlar County (former … EPUB Engels €29.99 Carl Klingspor: Charles XII – King of Sweden Two centuries ago when the kingdoms of Northern Europe were struggling for supremacy on the Baltic and control of the narrow portal to the sea, there appeared a young prince, the marvel of his age, w … EPUB Engels €0.99 Duke of Saint-Simon: Memoirs of Louis the Fourteenth No library of Court documents could pretend to be representative which ignored the famous ‘Memoirs’ of the Duc de Saint-Simon. They stand, by universal consent, at the head of French historical paper … EPUB Engels €0.99 Charles Conant: Alexander Hamilton The life of Alexander Hamilton is an essential chapter in the story of the formation of the American Union. Hamilton’s work was of that constructive sort which is vital for laying the foundations of … EPUB Engels €0.99 Volgende pagina >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Wijzig gebruikerstaal × ArabischDuitsEngelsSpaansFransHindiIndonesischItaliaansMaleisNederlandsPoolsPortugeesRoemeenseRussischZweedsThaisTurksOekraïensVietnameesChineseInternational Modal ×