Classic OndersteuningCatalogMenswetenschappenTalenTaalwetenschapLiteratuurDuitsEngelsandere GermaansRomanClassicSlavischeAndere talen2.395 E-boeken in deze categorie Munoz Natalie Munoz: Disabusing Women in the Old French Fabliaux EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €75.57 Christopher Athanasious Faraone: Hexametrical Genres from Homer to Theocritus In Hexametrical Genres from Homer to Theocritus, Christopher Faraone discusses a number of short hexametrical genres such as oracles, incantations and laments that do not easily fit the generic model … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €78.97 V. Sophie Klein: Plautus: Menaechmi This new volume in the Bloomsbury Ancient Comedy Companions series is perfect for students coming to one of Plautus’ most whimsical, provocative, and influential plays for the first time, and a usefu … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €21.88 Arlene Holmes-Henderson: Expanding Classics This volume explores innovative ways of expanding classical languages and cultures to educational and museum audiences. It shows that classical subjects have an important role to play within society … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €25.79 Saratchandra Chattopadhyay: Final Question Like Dickens, Saratchandra had a bag of wonderful tales’ The Hindu The Final Question (Shesh Prashna) is one of Saratchandra Chattopadhyay’s last novels and perhaps his most radically innovative. The … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €12.87 Sunil Gangopadhyay: Classic Sunil Gangopadhyay This special omnibus edition brings together the three great historical novels Sunil Gangopadhyay wrote. The Bengal Renaissance forms the backdrop to the Sahitya Akademi Award-winning Those Days, in … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €19.33 Ortiz de Urbina Paloma Ortiz de Urbina: Cervantes en los siglos XX y XXI EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €113.16 D. H. Berry: Cicero’s Catilinarians The Catilinarians are a set of four speeches that Cicero, while consul in 63 BC, delivered before the senate and the Roman people against the conspirator Catiline and his followers. Or are they? Cice … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €23.58 Alexander C. Loney: Ethics of Revenge and the Meanings of the Odyssey This book is the first in-depth examination of revenge in the Odyssey. The principal revenge plot of the Odyssey –Odysseus’ surprise return to Ithaca after twenty away and his vengeance on Penelope’ … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €56.78 Jasmine Hunter Evans: David Jones and Rome This interdisciplinary and archival study explores the reception of ancient Rome in the artistic, literary, and philosophical works of David Jones (1895-1974)-the Anglo-Welsh, Roman Catholic, First W … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €106.05 Volgende pagina >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Wijzig gebruikerstaal × ArabischDuitsEngelsSpaansFransHindiIndonesischItaliaansMaleisNederlandsPoolsPortugeesRoemeenseRussischZweedsThaisTurksOekraïensVietnameesChineseInternational Modal ×