Taalwetenschap OndersteuningCatalogMenswetenschappenTalenTaalwetenschapLiteratuurDuitsEngelsandere GermaansRomanClassicSlavischeAndere talen53.430 E-boeken in deze categorie A. H. Bloom & Alfred H. Bloom: The Linguistic Shaping of Thought First published in 1981. Using his fourteen years of interaction with the Chinese language and its speakers the author has noted certain important differences between the Chinese mode of speaking and … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.06 Rachel Walker: Nasalization, Neutral Segments and Opacity Effects This book explores cross linguistic variation in nasalization. … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.49 K. E. Nelson: Children”s Language First published in 1983. This series, Children’s Language, reflects the conviction that extensive work on entirely new fronts along with a great deal of reinterpretation of old-front data will be nec … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.33 Charlene Chamberlain & Rachel I. Mayberry: Language Acquisition By Eye This book focuses on the early acquisition of signed languages and the later development of reading by children who use signed languages. It represents the first collection of research papers focused … EPUB Adobe DRM €69.12 Martha C. Pennington: Phonology in English Language Teaching Phonology in English Language Teaching is an introductory text, specifically directed at the needs of language teachers internationally. Combining an overview of English phonology with structured pra … EPUB Adobe DRM €59.04 Valerie Adams: Complex Words in English Complex Words in English presents a comprehensive account of present-day word formation in English. Starting with a discussion of some basic issues, including the definition of ”word”, motivation, … EPUB Adobe DRM €75.54 Dr Susan Samata: Cultural Memory of Language ‘I can”t even speak my own language, ‘ were the words overheard in a college staffroom that triggered the writing of this book. Calling something ”my own” implies a personal, proprietorial relatio … EPUB Adobe DRM €44.00 Gideon (University of Tilburg, The Netherlands) Keren: Perspectives on Framing Language comprises a major mark of humans compared with other primates and is the main vehicle for social interaction. A major characteristic of any natural language is that the same communication, i … EPUB Adobe DRM €59.28 Paul (Thames Water, UK) Fitchett & Jeremy (Retired Engineer, UK) Haslam: Writing Engineering Specifications Engineers need to understand the legal and commercial context in which they draw up technical specifications. This thoroughly up-dated edition of Haslam”s successful Writing Engineering Specificatio … EPUB Adobe DRM €76.10 Mike Sharples: How We Write How We Write is an accessible guide to the entire writing process, from forming ideas to formatting text. Combining new explanations of creativity with insights into writing as design, it offers a fu … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.37 Volgende pagina >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Wijzig gebruikerstaal × ArabischDuitsEngelsSpaansFransHindiIndonesischItaliaansMaleisNederlandsPoolsPortugeesRoemeenseRussischZweedsThaisTurksOekraïensVietnameesChineseInternational Modal ×