Muziek OndersteuningCatalogMenswetenschappenAlgemeenFilosofiePsychologieReligie / theologieGeschiedenisTalenOnderwijsKunst / architectuurMuziekAlgemeen, EncyclopedieënMuziekgeschiedenisMuziektheorieInstrumentlessenMedewerkingMonografieënMuziekDiversen33.018 E-boeken in deze categorie William Pole: The Philosophy of Music This is Volume V in a series of seven on the Philosophy of Religion and General Philosophy. Originally published in 1924. The trained musician may have made a thorough study of technical methods in c … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.54 Stephen Downes: The Muse as Eros The Muse has long been figured as a divine or erotically alluring consort to the virile male artist, who may inspire him or lead him to the edge of madness. This book explores the changing cultural e … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.47 John Shepherd: Whose Music? Whose Music? combines historical, musicological, and sociological materials and styles of analysis in ways that connect to the field of sociology. The analyses of social class systems presented here … EPUB Adobe DRM €59.17 Basil Keen: The Bach Choir: The First Hundred Years This study of the Bach Choir provides a much-needed overview of one of the major choral societies in London. Dr Basil Keen examines the background that led to the formation of an ad hoc body to give … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.67 Jill Halstead: Ruth Gipps When Ruth Gipps died in 1999, her legacy was as one of Britain”s most prolific female composers. Her creative output spanned some seventy years and includes symphonies, tone poems, concertos, string … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.00 Caroline Potter: French Music Since Berlioz French Music Since Berlioz explores key developments in French classical music during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This volume draws on the expertise of a range of French music scholars wh … EPUB Adobe DRM €69.31 KathrynBailey Puffett: Derrick Puffett on Music ”I listen to a piece and ask myself what has made the greatest impression on me. What has moved me the most about it, what has excited me the most, what it is I want to write about, what sets my min … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.47 Rebecca Wagner Oettinger: Music as Propaganda in the German Reformation Over the first four decades of the Reformation, hundreds of songs written in popular styles and set to well-known tunes appeared across the German territories. These polemical songs included satires … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.46 Robert C. Provine & Yosihiko Tokumaru: The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music This volume explores not only the close ties that link the cultures and musics of East and Northeast Asia, but also the distinctive features that separate them. … EPUB Adobe DRM €580.48 Caroline Ellsmore: Verdi’s Exceptional Women: Giuseppina Strepponi and Teresa Stolz This investigation offers new perspectives on Giuseppe Verdi’s attitudes to women and the functions which they fulfilled for him. The book explores Verdi’s professional and personal relationship with … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.34 Volgende pagina >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Wijzig gebruikerstaal × ArabischDuitsEngelsSpaansFransHindiIndonesischItaliaansMaleisNederlandsPoolsPortugeesRoemeenseRussischZweedsThaisTurksOekraïensVietnameesChineseInternational Modal ×