Secundair niveau I OndersteuningCatalogSchool / studieLeerfaciliteitenKindergarten, PreschoolLagere schoolSecundair niveau ISecundair niveau IIReferentiesDiversen547 E-boeken in deze categorie Anthony Soon Chye Teo: UNIVER-CITIES (V2) This follows on from the very well-received Volume I UNIVER-CITIES: Strategic Implications for Asia — Readings from Cambridge and Berkeley to Singapore edited by Anthony SC Teo and published in 2013. … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €36.99 Micere Keels: Campus Counterspaces Frustrated with the flood of news articles and opinion pieces that were skeptical of minority students’ ‘imagined’ campus microaggressions, Micere Keels, a professor of comparative human development, … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €17.99 Education and Skills Development under the CAREC Program The global employment and skills landscape is changing fast in the fourth industrial revolution. Investing in human development is essential to meet the needs of rapidly evolving competitive labor ma … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €5.99 Carolyn R. Hodges & Olga M. Welch: Truth Without Tears Truth Without Tears is a timely and insightful portrait of Black women leaders in American colleges and universities. Carolyn R. Hodges and Olga M. Welch are former deans who draw extensively on thei … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €28.99 Arun Verma: Anti-Racism in Higher Education How is your institution enabling Black, Asian and minority ethnic staff and students to thrive? Is your institution effectively tackling racism? Following the 2020 Black Lives Matter movement, the hi … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €29.99 Rachel Forsyth: Confident Assessment in Higher Education Your perfect companion to building confident assessment in teaching and learning in higher education. Assessment is a central part of teaching and learning in higher education and an area in which ma … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €36.99 Andrew Delbanco: College The strengths and failures of the American college, and why liberal education still matters As the commercialization of American higher education accelerates, more and more students are coming to col … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €19.99 Hanna Holborn Gray: An Academic Life A compelling memoir by the first woman president of a major American university Hanna Holborn Gray has lived her entire life in the world of higher education. The daughter of academics, she fled Hitl … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €31.99 Olen Gunnlaugson & Charles Scott: Catalyzing the Field A rich collection of essays about the inner, shared experiences of participants engaged in second-person approaches to contemplative practice. Catalyzing the Field presents a diverse series of applie … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €32.99 Jay Phelan & Terry Burnham: The Secret Syllabus The unwritten rules of success that every student must follow to thrive in college The Secret Syllabus equips students with the tools they need to succeed, revealing the unwritten rules and cultural … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €19.99 Volgende pagina >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Wijzig gebruikerstaal × ArabischDuitsEngelsSpaansFransHindiIndonesischItaliaansMaleisNederlandsPoolsPortugeesRoemeenseRussischZweedsThaisTurksOekraïensVietnameesChineseInternational Modal ×