Microbiologie OndersteuningCatalogWetenschappenBiologieAlgemeen, EncyclopedieënMicrobiologiePlantkundeZoölogieBiochemie, BiofysicaEcologieGenetics, Genetic EngineeringLandbouw, tuinbouw, visserijDiversen2.705 E-boeken in deze categorie Mads C. Forchhammer & Hans Meltofte: Naturen Arktis. Et benhardt og iskoldt miljo, hvor dyr og planter gennem artusinder har tilpasset sig ekstreme forhold. Men Arktis er ogsa et sarbart miljo, der i de seneste artier har undergaet store forand … EPUB Deens Adobe DRM €19.99 Andrew Chandler-Grevatt: Moss Safari Embark on an extraordinary journey into the hidden world of moss. Just like adventurers seeking the Big Five animals on an African safari, we invite you to discover the wonders of the microscopic Big … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €33.99 Richard Gordon: Origin of Life via Archaea This book surveys the models for the origin of life and presents a new model starting with shaped droplets and ending with life as polygonal Archaea; it collects the most published micrographs of Arc … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €302.99 Awanish Kumar & Aditya Upadhyay: Salmonella Biofilms Up to 80% of chronic and recurrent human bacterial infections are caused by bacterial biofilms, which are extremely hard to cure. Salmonella is an especially interesting pathogen because of its abili … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €239.99 Robert Lee Howard: An Uncharted Progression I gave very little thought to the direction my early life was taking, yet some people considered me to be successful because I avoided the pitfalls of poverty, drugs, crime, and imprisonment. However … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €9.99 Hrudayanath Thatoi & Sonali Mohapatra: Applied Biotechnology and Bioinformatics This comprehensive reference book discusses the convergent and next-generation technologies for product-derived applications relevant to agriculture, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, and the environm … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €173.99 Maulin P Shah: Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria Ammonia oxidising bacteria (AOB) and archaea are ubiquitous microorganisms, but their abundance and diversity vary widely across environments and play a crucial role in many ecosystems and aquatic ec … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €199.99 Navale Pandharinath: Aviation Meteorology This book is primarily meant for professional trainee pilots of all categories as prescribed by DGCA (Director General of Civil Aviation) and particularly for Commercial Pilots Licence (CPL) and Airl … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €154.99 Michael Polymenis: Two from One TWO FROM ONE Condensed and easy step-in resource to the vast universe of cell cycle control and cell division Two from One: A Short Introduction to Cell Division Mechanisms is an easy and solid step- … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €40.99 Rich Dunk PhD CCM: A Practical Analysis of Sea Breeze Effects on Coastal Areas This publication provides a practical analysis of the sea breeze circulation and how it affects the several applications associated with coastal areas. These applications could range from recreationa … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €9.99 Volgende pagina >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Wijzig gebruikerstaal × ArabischDuitsEngelsSpaansFransHindiIndonesischItaliaansMaleisNederlandsPoolsPortugeesRoemeenseRussischZweedsThaisTurksOekraïensVietnameesChineseInternational Modal ×