Aardrijkskunde OndersteuningCatalogWetenschappenGeo ScienceAlgemeen, EncyclopedieënAardrijkskundeStedenbouw, ruimtelijke ordeningGeologiePaleontologieMineralogy, PetrographyDiversen8.251 E-boeken in deze categorie Allan B. Jacobs: The Good City Cities, Allan B. Jacobs contends, ought to be magnificent, beautiful places to live. They should be places where people can be fulfilled, where they can be what they can be, where there is freedom, l … EPUB Adobe DRM €46.20 Hugh (University of the West of England, UK) Barton: City of Well-being City of Well-being provides a radical and holistic introduction to the science and art of town planning. It starts from the premise that the purpose of planning is the health, well-being and sustaina … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.49 Jonathan (City University, London, UK) Raper: Multidimensional Geographic Information Science The way people normally view a GIS is 2-dimensional, a greatly limiting form. However, as developments occur within the field, researchers and practitioners are finding ways to make a GIS 3-dimension … EPUB Adobe DRM €88.93 Daniel Dorling & David Fairbairn: Mapping Illustrates how maps tell us as much about the people and the powers which create them, as about the places they show. Presents historical and contemporary evidence of how the human urge to describe, … EPUB Adobe DRM €70.60 Qihao (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong) Weng: Remote Sensing for Sustainability Driven by the societal needs and improvement in sensor technology and image processing techniques, remote sensing has become an essential geospatial tool for understanding the Earth and managing Huma … EPUB Adobe DRM €109.63 David T. Herbert & John A. Matthews: Unifying Geography It can be argued that the differences in content and approach between physical and human geography, and also within its sub-disciplines, are often overemphasised. The result is that geography is ofte … EPUB Adobe DRM €89.23 Wen-Qin Wang: Multi-Antenna Synthetic Aperture Radar Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a well-known remote sensing technique, but conventional single-antenna SAR is inherently limited by the minimum antenna area constraint. Although there are still tec … EPUB Adobe DRM €99.57 Michael P. Kelley: A State in Disarray Although independent since 1960, Chad has proved to be one of the least viable African states. Sustained politically and financially by other countries from the outset, Chad”s internal warfare has m … EPUB Adobe DRM €36.10 Owen Harrop & Ashley Nixon: Environmental Assessment in Practice This text explains what constitutes good practice in applying environmental assessment as an environmental management tool. A wide range of case studies and other student text features are employed t … EPUB Adobe DRM €70.77 William Neill: Urban Planning and Cultural Identity Urban Planning and Cultural Identity reviews the intense spatiality of conflict over identity construction in three cities where culture and place identity are not just post-modernist playthings but … EPUB Adobe DRM €70.76 Volgende pagina >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Wijzig gebruikerstaal × ArabischDuitsEngelsSpaansFransHindiIndonesischItaliaansMaleisNederlandsPoolsPortugeesRoemeenseRussischZweedsThaisTurksOekraïensVietnameesChineseInternational Modal ×