Media Studies OndersteuningCatalogSociale wetenschappenMedia / communicatieAlgemeen, EncyclopedieënJournalistiekBoekhandels, bibliothekenMedia StudiesCommunicatiewetenschapDiversen6.723 E-boeken in deze categorie Dennis Altman & Jonathan Symons: Queer Wars The claim that �LGBT rights are human rights� encounters fierce opposition in many parts of the world, as governments and religious leaders have used resistance to �LGBT rights� to cast themselves as … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €16.99 Damian Tambini: Media Freedom The contentious role of social media in recent elections and referendums has brought to the fore once again the fundamental question of media freedom and the extent to which, and the way in which, th … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €18.99 Paul A. Thomas: Exploring the Land of Ooo Exploring the Land of Ooo: An Unofficial Overview and Production History of Cartoon Network’s ‘Adventure Time’ is a guide through the colorful and exuberant animated television series that initially … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €25.99 Geoffrey Winthrop-Young: Kittler and the Media With books such as Discourse Networks and Gramophone, Film, Typewriter and the collection Literature, Media, Information Systems, Friedrich Kittler has established himself as one of the world’s most … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €16.99 Lothar Müller: White Magic Paper is older than the printing press, and even in its unprinted state it was the great network medium behind the emergence of modern civilization. In the shape of bills, banknotes and accounting bo … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €15.99 Anna Cristina Pertierra: Media Anthropology for the Digital Age The field of anthropology took a long time to discover the significance of media in modern culture. In this important new book, Anna Pertierra tells the story of how a field – once firmly associated … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €16.99 Tim Markham: Digital Life Conventional wisdom suggests that the pervasiveness of digital media into our everyday lives is undermining cherished notions of politics and ethics. Is this concern unfounded? In this daring new boo … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €18.99 Charlotte Cotton: Words Without Pictures Words Without Pictures was originally conceived by curator Charlotte Cotton as a means of creating spaces for discourse around current issues in photography. Every month for a year, beginning in Nove … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €11.99 Nick Monaco & Samuel Woolley: Bots Bots – automated software applications programmed to perform tasks online – have become a feature of our everyday lives, from helping us navigate online systems to assisting us with online shopping. … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €16.99 Kate Lacey: Listening Publics In focusing on the practices, politics and ethics of listening, this wide-ranging book offers an important new perspective on questions of media audiences, publics and citizenship. Listening is centr … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €18.99 Volgende pagina >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Wijzig gebruikerstaal × ArabischDuitsEngelsSpaansFransHindiIndonesischItaliaansMaleisNederlandsPoolsPortugeesRoemeenseRussischZweedsThaisTurksOekraïensVietnameesChineseInternational Modal ×