politiek systeem OndersteuningCatalogSociale wetenschappenPolitiekAlgemeen, EncyclopedieënPolitical SciencePolitieke theorie, geschiedenis van ideeënpolitiek systeemPolitical Science, Policy ManagementPolitiek, EconomieVergelijkende politiekOntwikkelingstheorie, OntwikkelingspolitiekDiversen6.003 E-boeken in deze categorie James Reichley: States in Crisis This is a report on political conditions in ten widely differing states judged, for one reason or another, to be crucial, typical, or otherwise important. Part one is composed of case histories of st … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €30.99 Robert Lee Byrd: Byrd of Legislative Hall Bob Byrd has been hearing for years he ought to write a book, so he did. The reason he has been hearing it, is he has been in the know on just about every deal that has gone down in the back rooms an … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €9.99 Darius Rejali: Torture and Democracy This is the most comprehensive, and most comprehensively chilling, study of modern torture yet written. Darius Rejali, one of the world’s leading experts on torture, takes the reader from the late ni … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €59.99 Tapio W: Political Parties Disgracing Democracy Only 25% of the Finnish people agree having a functioning democracy in Finland. This book is revealing how political parties are jeopardizing democracy. Their false way of act is present every day an … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €5.99 P. Njeru Njuno: Swimming Against the Culture of Corruption Swimming Against the Culture of Corruption is, as the title suggests, intended to fight corruption, which has been one of the societal ills in Kenya. It is intended to point out to the ordinary Kenya … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €4.49 Peter J. Galie & Christopher Bopst: New York’s Broken Constitution Examines the significant gaps between what New York State’s constitution says and how the state is actually governed and offers ideas for reform. On its face, New York State’s constitution is an elab … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €33.99 David Runciman: Political Hypocrisy What kind of hypocrite should voters choose as their next leader? The question seems utterly cynical. But, as David Runciman suggests, it is actually much more cynical to pretend that politics can ev … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €20.99 Seymour P. Lachman & Robert Polner: The Man Who Saved New York A dramatic and colorful portrait of one of New York’s most remarkable governors, Hugh L. Carey, with emphasis on his leadership during the fiscal crisis of 1975. Winner of the 2011 Empire State Histo … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €22.99 Daniel N. Nelson: Local Politics in Communist Countries There are many reasons why it is important to study local politics—political culture, government, political process—in Communist party states. As in all politics, local politics in Communist party st … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €38.99 Joseph F. Zimmerman: Interstate Water Compacts Examines intergovernmental efforts within the United States to manage the nation’s water supply. Long taken for granted, water resources are rapidly becoming a contentious issue within American polit … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €32.99 Volgende pagina >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Wijzig gebruikerstaal × ArabischDuitsEngelsSpaansFransHindiIndonesischItaliaansMaleisNederlandsPoolsPortugeesRoemeenseRussischZweedsThaisTurksOekraïensVietnameesChineseInternational Modal ×