Politieke theorie, geschiedenis van ideeën OndersteuningCatalogSociale wetenschappenPolitiekAlgemeen, EncyclopedieënPolitical SciencePolitieke theorie, geschiedenis van ideeënpolitiek systeemPolitical Science, Policy ManagementPolitiek, EconomieVergelijkende politiekOntwikkelingstheorie, OntwikkelingspolitiekDiversen3.974 E-boeken in deze categorie Deane Baker: Should We Ban Killer Robots? Images of killer robots are the stuff of science fiction – but also, increasingly, of scientific fact on the battlefield. Should we be worried, or is this a normal development in the technology of wa … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €10.99 Nicole Detraz: Gender and the Environment Climate change, natural disasters, and loss of biodiversity are all considered major environmental concerns for the international community both now and into the future. Each are damaging to the eart … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €17.99 Carl Schmitt: Ex Captivitate Salus When Germany was defeated in 1945, both the Russians and the Americans undertook mass internments in the territories they occupied. The Americans called their approach “automatic arrest.” Carl Schmit … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €17.99 Alasdair Cochrane: Should Animals Have Political Rights? All political communities must make decisions about how to regulate the treatment of animals. Most states currently protect animals through outlawing the infliction of ‘unnecessary suffering’. But do … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €10.99 Donatella Di Cesare: Torture Torture is not as universally condemned as it once was. From Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib prisons to the death of Giulio Regeni, countless recent cases have shocked public opinion. But if we want to def … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €16.99 J. Toby Reiner: Michael Walzer Michael Walzer is one of the world’s most important political thinkers, whose major works, such as Spheres of Justice and Just and Unjust Wars, have transformed many central debates in contemporary p … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €17.99 Mark G. E. Kelly: Normal Now This is a book about what we consider normal. It details how the very concept of normality emerged in the modern era, and how it has changed over the centuries. By the mid-twentieth century, the expa … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €16.99 Donatella Di Cesare: Terror and Modernity We are inclined to see terrorist attacks as an aberration, a violent incursion into our lives that bears no intrinsic relation to the fundamental features of modern societies. But does this view misc … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €17.99 Chris Armstrong: Why Global Justice Matters While many are born into prosperity, hundreds of millions of people lead lives of almost unimaginable poverty. Our world remains hugely unequal, with our place of birth continuing to exert a major in … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €13.99 Duncan Kelly: Politics and the Anthropocene The Anthropocene has become central to understanding the intimate connections between human life and the natural environment, but it has fractured our sense of time and possibility. What implications … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €15.99 Volgende pagina >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Wijzig gebruikerstaal × ArabischDuitsEngelsSpaansFransHindiIndonesischItaliaansMaleisNederlandsPoolsPortugeesRoemeenseRussischZweedsThaisTurksOekraïensVietnameesChineseInternational Modal ×