Algemeen, Encyclopedieën OndersteuningCatalogSociale wetenschappenSociologieAlgemeen, Encyclopedieënsociologische theorieënsociaal onderzoekIndustriële sociologie, economische sociologieStedelijke SociologieVrouwen studiesOnderzoek naar sociale structuurPolitieke sociologieDiversen3.004 E-boeken in deze categorie Roberta Mary Pughe & Paula Anema Sohl: Resurrecting Eve Finding Eve’s spirit in the teachings of Jesus, authors Roberta Pughe and Paula Sohl explore her bold, self-directed, and inquisitive nature as a model for women today who have been negatively affect … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €18.99 Miriam Malach: All or Nothing In Paris on a Fulbright, young Sonia is attracted to her old friend Alex, but blind to the fact that Alex and Marty are actually a couple. It is 1951, after all. Ten years later in New York, as … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €7.49 CAREC Gender Assessment This publication provides a diagnostic framework to analyze the level of gender equality in the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) countries. It also serves as a basis for developing … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €5.99 Dr. Francois Adja Assemien: The Power of American Women This book pays a tribute to American women. It glorifies their inestimable and exceptional merits and virtues. It also gives them the glorious and imperative task to save mankind from the current uni … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €2.99 Lisa Fetheringill Zwicker & Martina Martina Cucchiara: Women, Religion, and Emotions in Modern Germany and Beyond Analyzes the role of emotions in the religious lives of women from across Germany and Europe from the nineteenth century to the 1970s. Scholarship on women and religion has focused primarily on the i … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €30.99 Gilbert B. Rodman: Why Cultural Studies? Why Cultural Studies? is a rallying call for a reinvigoration of the project of cultural studies that provides a critical analysis of its meteoric rise to the academic fore and makes a convincing arg … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €22.99 Gender Equality and the Labor Market The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has made advances in narrowing gender gaps in its labor market. It has one of the highest female labor force participation rates in Asia and the Pacific at around … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €5.99 Martia G. Goodson: Church Ladies More than simply ushers and Sunday School teachers, the women of Harlems Abyssinian Baptist Church were influential leaders in the congregations of Reverend Adam Clayton Powell Senior and Junior. Chu … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €4.49 Davina Rhine: Rebel Moms Modern motherhood has changed; it isnt just frilly aprons, mini-vans, and soccer practice anymore. You are a modern moma rebel momready to raise your kids while running a successful business, startin … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €10.99 Pat Stanley-Beals: Memoir: a Charged Life The book chronicles the life story of a woman pioneer in the electrical trade. It begins with the early childhood experiences that formed her approach to life. The empowerment of feminism was a natur … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €4.49 Volgende pagina >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Wijzig gebruikerstaal × ArabischDuitsEngelsSpaansFransHindiIndonesischItaliaansMaleisNederlandsPoolsPortugeesRoemeenseRussischZweedsThaisTurksOekraïensVietnameesChineseInternational Modal ×