Caterina Albert i Paradís predates Federico García Lorca and D. H. Lawrence in her portrayal of women’s sexual passions. She was an unsung pioneer of modernist literature at the beginning of the twentieth century, writing in the ancient Catalan language of Spain. Published under the nationalist (and necessarily male) pseudonym of Víctor Català, Solitude is regarded as the most important Catalan novel to appear before the Spanish Civil War.
Acclaim for Solitude
Translator’s Preface
Author’s Foreword To The 5th Edition Of Solitude
I The Ascent
II Darkness
III Daylight
IV Housecleaning
V Counting Days
VI Tales
VII Spring
VIII The Festival of Roses
IX Riot
X Relics
XI Cabin Fever
XII Time Past
XIII Highpeak
XIV On the Cross
XV The Fall
XVI Suspicions
XVII That Night
XVIII The Descent
About The Author
About The Translator
About Readers International