3 Ebooks door Cather Willa
Willa Cather: The Prairee Trilogy: O, Pioneers! + The Song of the Lark + My Ántonia (3 Unabridged Classics)
This carefully crafted ebook: ‘The Prairee Trilogy: O, Pioneers! + The Song of the Lark + My Ántonia’ is formatted for your e Reader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Complete in one …
Willa Cather: Ántonia mea
Domnișoara Shimerda, curajoasa eroină a romanului Antonia mea, își petrece copilăria pe pământurile fermei unei familii de imigranți. Istoria ei îl are drept povestitor pe Jim, un prieten căruia-i sc …
Cather Willa: One of Ours
Claude Wheeler craves excitement, far more than he can ever find as a farmer's son. He encounters more at university, where the modern world beyond farm life offers new thrills and challenges, on …