A special number devoted to Celtic material.
This special number of the well-established series
Arthurian Literature is devoted to Celtic material. Contributions, from leading experts in Celtic Studies, cover Welsh, Irish and Breton material, from medieval texts to oral traditions surviving into modern times. The volume reflects current trends and new approaches in this field whilst also making available in English material hitherto inaccessible to those with no reading knowledge of the Celticlanguages. CERIDWEN LLOYD-MORGAN has published widely in the field of Arthurian studies. She is currently Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Welsh, Cardiff University.
Arthur of the Irish: a viable concept? – Ann Dooley
Culhwch ac Olwen – Sioned Davies
Court and Cyuoeth: Chretien de Troyes’ Eric et Enide and the Middle Welsh Gereint – Helen Angharad Roberts
Owein, Ystorya Bown, and the problem of `relative distance’ Some methodological considerations and speculations – Erich Poppe
Neither flesh nor fowl: Merlin as bird-man in Breton folk tradition – Mary-Ann Constantine
Narratives and non-narratives: aspects of Welsh Arthurian tradition – Ceridwen Lloyd-Morgan