7 Ebooks door Charles Diehl
Charles Diehl & H.J. Roby: The Cambridge Medieval History – Book V
ON 9 July 518 the Emperor Anastasius died, leaving nephews only as his heirs. The succession was therefore quite undecided. An obscure intrigue brought the Commander-in-Chief of the Guard, the comes …
E.W. Brooks & Charles Diehl: The Cambridge Medieval History – Book XIV
THE history of the Byzantine Empire under the rule of the Isaurian dynasty is one of the periods in the prolonged evolution of the monarchy least easy of comprehension. The work of the sovereigns usu …
Louis Brehier & Paul Collinet: The Cambridge Medieval History – Book XVI
For over a thousand years, from the end of the fourth century to the middle of the fifteenth, the Byzantine Empire was the centre of a civilization equal to that of any age in brilliancy, certainly …
Charles Diehl: Byzantine Civlization
In order to obtain a clear understanding of Byzantine civilization, to visualize the mode of life and the dominant tastes in this vanished society, and to realize the mentality of the Greeks in the …
Charles Diehl: Byzantine Civilization
Few States, even in the Middle Ages, possessed so absolute a conception of monarchical authority as the Byzantine Empire. The Emperor, or Basileus as he was officially termed after the beginning of …
Ligaran & Charles Diehl: Byzance
Extrait : ‘Le jour où Constantin fonda Constantinople et en fit la seconde capitale de l’empire romain, — ce jour-là, le 11 mai 330, — l’empire byzantin commença. Par sa situation géographique, au po …
Ligaran & Charles Diehl: En Méditerranée
Extrait : ‘Le 1er mai 305, dans la plaine de Nicomédie, en présence des grands dignitaires de la cour, des détachements de l’armée, du peuple assemblée, Dioclétien, vieilli, malade, lassé du fardeau …