Part 1 : The Socio-Ethical Dimension of Knowledge – The Mission of Logical Empiricism.- Chapter 1. Introduction (Tuboly).- Chapter 2. Ethics and Morality in the Vien...
Part 1 : The Socio-Ethical Dimension of Knowledge – The Mission of Logical Empiricism.- Chapter 1. Introduction (Tuboly).- Chapter 2. Ethics and Morality in the Vienna Circle (Siegetsleitner).- Chapter 3. The Social Virtue of Science. Motivating Structural Objectivity in Logical Empiricism (Richardson).- Chapter 4. Philosophy (and Wissenschaft) Without Politics? Schlick on Nietzsche, German Idealism, and Militarism (Vrahimis).- Chapter 5. Schlick on the Meaning of “Good” (Ambrus).- Chapter 6. Making Logical Positivism Less Logical: The Case of Schlick and von Mises (Tuboly).- Chapter 7. Leo Apostel and Rudolf Carnap: The Development of Logical Empiricist Ethics in Post-War Europe (Dewulf).- Chapter 8. The Cult of Genius and its Critics: Edgar Zilsel and Otto Neurath (Sandner).- Chapter 9. Philipp Frank’s Relativism: Presentation, Appreciation, and Critique (Stamenkovic).- Chapter 10. Alternative Facts, Fake News, Pseudo-Science: New Challenges for a Scientific World-view. An Essay (Dahms).- Part II: General Part.- Chapter 11. Viennese Lessons: Wittgenstein, Carnap and Schlick (Soames).- Part III: Review Essays.- Chapter 12. George Reisch, The Politics of Paradigms. Thomas S. Kuhn, James Conant and the Cold War “Struggle for Men´s Minds“. Albany: State University of New York Press 2019 (Dahms).- Chapter 13. Amrei C. Joerchel, Gerhard Benetka (Eds.), Memories of Gustav Ichheiser. Life and Work of a Social Scientist (Theory and History in the Human and Social Sciences Bd.1). Cham: Springer 2018 (Maria Czwik and Bastian Stoppelkamp).