Christian Gogu is Associate Professor at the University Toulouse
III-Paul Sabatier, France. His research, which he carries out at the
Clement Ader Institute, focuses, in particular, on taking into
account uncertainties in the design and optimization of
aeronautical systems.
3 Ebooks door Christian Gogu
Christian Gogu: Mechanical Engineering in Uncertainties From Classical Approaches to Some Recent Developments
Considering the uncertainties in mechanical engineering in order to improve the performance of future products or systems is becoming a competitive advantage, sometimes even a necessity, when seeking …
Christian Gogu: Mechanical Engineering in Uncertainties From Classical Approaches to Some Recent Developments
Considering the uncertainties in mechanical engineering in order to improve the performance of future products or systems is becoming a competitive advantage, sometimes even a necessity, when seeking …
Christian Gogu: Ingenierie mecanique en contexte incertain
Considerer le contexte incertain en ingenierie mecanique dans le but d’ameliorer les performances des futurs produits ou systemes apparait desormais comme un avantage competitif, voire une necessite …