The book develops the capabilities arising from the cooperation between mathematicians and statisticians working in insurance and finance fields. It gathers some of the papers presented at the conference MAF2010, held in Ravello (Amalfi coast), and successively, after a reviewing process, worked out to this aim.
On the estimation in continuous limit of GARCH processes by G. Albano, F. Giordano, and C. Perna. – Variable selection in forecasting models for default risk by A. Amendola, M. Restaino, and L. Sensini. – Capital structure with firm’s net cash payouts by F. Barsotti, M.E. Mancino, and M. Pontier. – Convex ordering of Esscher and minimal entropy martingale measures for discrete time models by F. Bellini and C. Sgarra. – On hyperbolic iterated distortions for the adjustment of survival functions by A. Bienvenue and D. Rullière. – Beyond Basel2: Modeling loss given default through survival analysis by S. Bonini and G. Caivano.