Auteur: Clifford D. Packer

Clifford D. Packer, MD Associate Professor of Medicine Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine., Cleveland, OH Somnath Mookherjee, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine University of Washington School of Medicine Department of Medicine Division of General Internal Medicine Seattle, WA USA Gabrielle N. Berger, MD Clinical Instructor University of Washington School of Medicine Department of Medicine Division of General Internal Medicine Seattle, WA USA 

3 Ebooks door Clifford D. Packer

Clifford D. Packer & Gabrielle N. Berger: Writing Case Reports
This book provides medical students and physicians with a practical, step-by-step guide on how to write and publish a medical case report. The case report is the traditional way for physicians to des …
Clifford D. Packer: Presenting Your Case
Medical students often struggle when presenting new patients to the attending physicians on the ward. Case presentation is either poorly taught or not taught at all in the first two years of medical …
Clifford D. Packer: Excelling in the Clinic
Working in the outpatient clinic is a key training experience for medical students. When they arrive at the clinic, students may discover that their time on the inpatient wards does not necessarily p …