Classically orbital cycles have been recognized in pelagic and
lacustrine sequences characterized by quiet sedimentation, not
disturbed by tectonics. Hoiwever, there is now increasing
recognition that orbital cycles do influence climate and
oceanography in general terms. There is also increasing acceptance
of the possibility at least that the effect should be felt over
large parts of the Earth’s surface and that orbital cycles may well
leave signs in other sedimentary environments that are commonly
considered to be dominated by tectonics and eustasy. Containing
thirty-one papers from a symposium held at the International
Sedimentological Congress in Nottingham in 1990, this volume spans
a range of topics from the astronomical theory behind orbital
forcing, to field studies dealing with a broad range of sedimentary
environments, and to modelling and simulation.
* * State-of-the-art research papers.
* International expert authorship.
* The latest research in the highly topical subject of orbital
Orbital Forcing And Cyclic Sequences.
Astronomical Forcing Through Geological Time.
Internal Response To Orbital Forcing And External Cyclic
Sedimentary Sequences.
Filtering And Frequency Mapping As Tools In Subsurface
Cyclostratigraphy, With Examples From The Wessex Basin, UK.
Milankovitch Cyclicity In The Upper Rotliegend Group Of The
Netherlands Offshore.
Identification Of Regular Sedimentary Cycles Using Walsh
Spectral Analysis With Results From The Boom Clay Formation
Fourier Analysis Of High Frequency Cyclicity In Lower Cretaceous
Carbonate Platform Strata, Monte Maggiore, Southern Appenines
The Cyclo-Stratigraphy Of The Cenomanian In The Gubbio District,
Italy: A Field Study.
Milankovitch Periodicities Recorded In Cretaceous Deep-Sea
Sequences From The Southern Alps (Northern Italy).
An Astronomically Calibrated (Polarity) Time Scale For The
Plio-Pleistocene: A Brief Review.
Pleistocene Evolution Of Orbital Periodicities In The High
Resolution Pollen Record Funza I, Eastern Cordillera, Colombia.
Late Quaternary Monsoonal Variations In The Western Arabian Sea
Based On Cross Spectral Analyses Of Geochemical And
Micropalaeontological Data (ODP Leg 117, Core 728a).
Milankovitch Cyclicity In Upper Cretaceous Sediments From
Exmouth Plateau Off Northwest Australia.
Complex Rhythmic Sedimentation Related To 3rd Order Sea-Level
Variations: Western Interior Basin, US Upper Cretaceous.
Ichnofossils And Ichnofabric In Rhythmically Bedded
Pelagic/Hemipelagic Carbonates, Recognition And Evaluation Of
Benthic Redox And Scour Cycles.
Orbitally Driven Cycles In Trace Fossil Assemblages.
Guilds, Cycles And Episodic Vertical Aggradation Of A Reef (Late
Barremian To Early Aptian, Dinaric Carbonate Platform,
High Frequency, Glacio-Eustatic Cyclicity In The Middle
Pennsylvanian Of The Paradox Basin: An Evaluation Of Milankovitch
Milankovitch Cyclicity And High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy
In Lagoonal-Peritidal Carbonates (Upper Tithonian – Lower
Berriasian, French Jura Mountains).
Lofer Cycles Of The Upper Triassic Dachstein Platform In The
Transdanubian Midmountains (Hungary).
Periodicities In The Composition Of Late Triassic
Calciturbidites (Eastern Alps, Austria).
Orbitally Induced Small Scale Cyclicity In A Siliciclastic
Epicontinental Setting (Lower Lias, Yorkshire, UK).
The Sequence Architecture Of Mid-Pleistocene (0.35 – 0.95 Ma)
Cyclotherms From New Zealand: Facies Development During A Period Of
Orbital Control On Sea-Level Cyclicity.
Cyclic Deposition Of The Upper Devonian (Frasnian) Catskill
Delta Complex, Appalachian Mountains, USA; Milankovitch Cyclicity
And Sequence Stratigraphy In Early Namurian Coal-Bearing
Fluvio-Deltaic Deposits In Central Scotland.
Orbital Forcing On Continental Depositional Systems – Lacustrine
And Fluvial Cyclicity In The Devonian Of East Greenland; Climatic
Controls On Ancient Desert Sediemtation: Some Late Paleozoic And
Mesozoic Examples From NW Europe And The Western Interior Of
Global Cyclostratigraphy: An Application To The Eocene Green
River Basin.
Reading Orbital Signals Distorted By Sedimentation: Models And
The Effect Of Orbital Cycles On Late And Middle Cretaceous
Climate: A Comparative General Circulation Model; Cyclicity Or
Over de auteur
P. L. De Boer is the editor of Orbital Forcing and Cyclic Sequences, published by Wiley.
D. G. Smith is the editor of Orbital Forcing and Cyclic Sequences, published by Wiley.