Auteur: D. Little

DANIEL LITTLE has served as Chancellor of the University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA since 2000.   SATYA P. MOHANTY has taught at Cornell University, USA since 1983, where he is currently Professor of English. 

3 Ebooks door D. Little

D. Little & S. Mohanty: The Future of Diversity
In The Future of Diversity , distinguished academic leaders, heads of universities and foundations as well as faculty with valuable research and personal experience, discuss the next stage in the pur …
K. (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) Anupam & A. Bhasin: Advances in Materials and Pavement Performance Prediction II
Inspired from the legacy of the previous four 3DFEM conferences held in Delft and Athens as well as the successful 2018 AM3P conference held in Doha, the 2020 AM3P conference continues the pavement m …
K. (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) Anupam & A. Bhasin: Advances in Materials and Pavement Performance Prediction II
Inspired from the legacy of the previous four 3DFEM conferences held in Delft and Athens as well as the successful 2018 AM3P conference held in Doha, the 2020 AM3P conference continues the pavement m …