In 1795 Immanuel Kant proclaimed that humans had entered into a ‘universal community’. Since then, connections have grown ever more pronounced, with the notion of ‘cosmopolitics’ defining the modern age. This interdisciplinary volume makes a timely contribution to debates on international law, global ecology and economy and transnational synergies.
Cosmopolitics: Law and Right; G.Banham Soul and Cosmos in Kant: A Commentary upon ‘Two Things Fill the Mind’; H.Caygill Concate Nations: Globalization in a Spinozist Context; Y.Citton Cosmopolitic and its Sadian Discontents; M.Evans Nationalist Cosmopolitics in the 19th Century; D.S.Malachuk The Cosmo-Body-Politic; J.Marsden Goethe’s ‘Enhanced Praxis’ and the Emergence of a Cosmopolitical Future; D.Morgan Kant’s Logic of Political Transformation; P.Keating Human Rights and Public Accountability in H.G. Wells’s Functional World State; J.S.Partington Imagination and Reason: An Ethics of Interpretation for a Cosmopolitan Age; D.Rose Towards a Cosmopolitics of Heterogeneity; L.Thomassen
Over de auteur
HOWARD CAYGILL Professor of Cultural History, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK YVES CITTON Professor of French Literature, University Stendahl Grenoble-3, France MEREDITH EVANS Researcher, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK PAULINE KEATING Senior Lecturer, Victoria, University of Wellington, New Zealand DANIEL S. MALACHUK Associate Professor of Humanities, Daniel Webster College, USA JILL MARSDEN Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Bolton, UK JOHN S. PARTINGTON Researcher, University of Reading, UK DAVID ROSE Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Newcastle, UK LASSE THOMASSEN Junior Lecturer in Political Theory, University of Limerick, Ireland