Dan Gookin gets you up to speed so you can get down to work with all the new features of Word 2010!
Bestselling and quintessential For Dummies author Dan Gookin employs his usual fun and friendly candor while walking you through the spectrum of new features of Word 2010. Completely in tune with the needs of the beginning Word user, Gookin shows you how to use Word quickly and efficiently so that you can spend more time working on your projects and less time trying to figure out how to make Word perform the tasks you need it to do. This newest edition of Word For Dummies explains how to navigate the user interface and take advantages of file formats, and skips the unnecessary jargon.
- Unparalleled author Dan Gookin applies his beloved For Dummies writing style to introduce you to all the features and functions of Word 2010
- Escorts you through the capabilities of Word 2010 without weighing you down with unnecessary technical jargon
- Deciphers the user interface and shows you how to take advantage of the file formats
The word on the street is that Word 2010 For Dummies is a must-read!
Introduction 1
Part I: Your Introduction to Word 7
Chapter 1: Hello, Word! 9
Chapter 2: The Typing Chapter 21
Part II: Your Basic Word 31
Chapter 3: To and Fro in a Document 33
Chapter 4: Text Editing 41
Chapter 5: Search for This, Replace It with That 49
Chapter 6: Blocks o’ Text 63
Chapter 7: Spell It Write 77
Chapter 8: Documents and Such 89
Chapter 9: Publish Your Document 103
Part III: Formatting 117
Chapter 10: Character Formatting 119
Chapter 11: Paragraph Formatting 131
Chapter 12: Tab Formatting 145
Chapter 13: Page Formatting 161
Chapter 14: Document Formatting 173
Chapter 15: Word Formatting Styles 185
Chapter 16: Fun with Themes and Template Formatting 199
Chapter 17: Sundry Formatting 209
Part IV: Spruce Up a Dull Document 219
Chapter 18: Lines and Colors 221
Chapter 19: Able Tables 229
Chapter 20: Columns of Text 241
Chapter 21: Lots of Lists 249
Chapter 22: Here Come the Graphics 257
Chapter 23: Even More Things to Insert in Your Document 271
Part V: Even More Word 281
Chapter 24: Multiple Documents, Windows, and File Formats 283
Chapter 25: Word for Writers 291
Chapter 26: Let’s Work This Out 305
Chapter 27: Mail Merge Mania 315
Chapter 28: Labels of Love 331
Chapter 29: A More Custom Word 339
Part VI: The Part of Tens 347
Chapter 30: The Ten Commandments of Word 349
Chapter 31: Ten Cool Tricks 353
Chapter 32: Ten Bizarre Things 361
Chapter 33: Ten Avuncular Suggestions 367
Index 371
Over de auteur
Dan Gookin created the For Dummies format with the original book, DOS For Dummies, in 1991. With more than 11 million copies in print, his books have been translated into 32 languages. Recent titles include PCs For Dummies, Windows 7 Edition and Laptops For Dummies. Visit Dan at www.wambooli.com.