New essays on topics spanning the Age of Goethe, with a special section of fresh views of Goethe and Idealism.
Goethe Yearbook is a publication of the Goethe Society of North America, publishing original English-language contributions to the understanding of Goethe and other authors of the
Goethezeit, while also welcomingcontributions from scholars around the world.
Volume 18 features a special section on Goethe and Idealism, edited by Elizabeth Millán and John H. Smith and including essays on Goethe and Spinoza; Goethe’s notions of intuition and intuitive judgment; Novalis, Goethe, and Romantic science; Goethe and Humboldt’s presentation of nature; Hegel’s
Faust; Goethe contra Hegel on the end of art; Goethean morphology and Hegelian science; and Goethe andphilosophies of religion. There are also essays on fraternity in Goethe, Margarete-Ariadne as Faust’s labyrinth, Schiller’s
Geisterseher, and Martin Walser’s Goethe novel
Ein liebender Mann, and a review essay on recent books on money and materiality in German culture heads the book review section.
Contributors: Frederick Amrine, Brady Bowen, Jeffrey Champlin, Adrian Del Caro, Stefani Engelstein, Luke Fischer, Gail Hart, Gunnar Hindrichs, Jens Kruse, Horst Lange, Elizabeth Millán, Dalia Nassar, John H. Smith.
Daniel Purdy is Associate Professor of German at Pennsylvania State University. Book review editor Catriona Mac Leod is Associate Professorof German at the University of Pennsylvania.
Introduction-Goethe and Idealism: Points of Intersection
Goethe and Spinoza: A Reconsideration
Goethean Intuitions
Goethe’s Notion of an Intuitive Power of Judgment
‘Idealism is nothing but genuine empiricism’:Novalis, Goethe, and the Ideal of Romantic Science
The Quest for the Seeds of Eternal Growth: Goethe and Humboldt’s Presentation of Nature
Hegel’s Faust
Goethe contra Hegel: The Question of the End of Art
Goethean Morphology, Hegelian Science: Affinities and Transformations
Civic Attachments & Sibling Attractions: The Shadows of Fraternity
Margarete-Ariadne: Faust’s Labyrinth
Save the Prinz: Schiller’s Geisterseher and the Lure of Entertainment
Walsers Trilogie der Leidenschaft: Eine Analyse seines Goethe-Romans Ein liebender Mann im Kontext der Tradition der Ulrike-Romane
Review Essay: What’s New in the New Economic Criticism
Book Reviews