This book serves as a route map for psychologists and probation officers working in probation services.
* Outlines the strategic framework for psychological services across prisons and probation.
* Gives an up-to-date picture of some key emerging areas of applied psychological practice in probation settings.
* Covers the development of applied psychological services, court work, mental health, working with sex offenders, risk assessment, group work, cognitive skills, multi-agency public protection panels, and lifer assessments.
* The editors are Deputy Head and Head of Psychology for Prisons and Probation Services, and therefore well placed to compile this book.
* Complements Graham Towl’s book Psychology in Prisons (BPS Blackwell, 2003).
Foreword by Herschel Prins vii
Editors’ Preface x
Series Editors’ Preface xii
Revolving Doors xiv
List of Contributors xv
Acknowledgements xv
1 Applied Psychological Services in the National Probation Service for England and Wales 1
Graham Towl and David Crighton
2 Work in the Courts 14
David Crighton
3 Counselling Psychologists and Mental Health Work in Probation Services 23
Sharon Mayer
4 Assessment and Treatment of Sexual Offenders 40
Andrew Bates
5 Risk Assessment 52
David Crighton
6 Suicide and Intentional Self-Injury 67
Sara Casado and Amy Beck
7 Groupwork-based Interventions 82
Anne Williams
8 Cognitive Skills Groupwork 91
Derval Ambrose
9 Multi-agency Public Protection Arrangements 104
Tania Tancred
10 Domestic Violence Work with Male Offenders 115
Jane Lindsay, Dermot Brady and Debbie Mc Queirns
11 Work with Life Sentence Offenders 138
Debbie Mc Queirns
12 Partnership Working: Organizational Roles, Structures and Interfaces 156
Trudy Leeson and David Crighton
References 170
Index 186
Over de auteur
David Crighton is Deputy Head of Psychology for Prisons and Probation Services. He is also visiting Professor of Forensic Psychology at London Metropolitan University and co-editor of the British Journal of Forensic Practice.
Graham Towl is Head of Psychology for Prisons and Probation Services. He is also visiting Professor of Forensic Psychology at the University of Birmingham and the University of Portsmouth. He has received the British Psychological Society award for distinguished contribution to professional psychology. He is the editor of Psychology in Prisons (BPS Blackwell, 2003) and joint editor of Suicide in Prisons (BPS Blackwell, 2002). He is also co-editor of the British Journal of Forensic Practice.