Wild things go on in Moundsville, the normally quiet seat of Chippewa County. Newborn fraternal twins are abandoned in the basement of an apartment building, but survive without nourishment for eight days, a medical record. Their teenage mother is shot to death shortly after delivery. Two decades later, detective A.G. Reynard not only locates the untraceable murder weapon, but also unravels the mysterious motive. A persistent reporter discovers a diary that could jeopardize the lives of promiment people, including the now grown twin girl. The police chief drops dead in the arms of his nurse wife in a local hospital, where other strange events take place. A city police car chase results in a bizarre court trial. The judge, who is blind, also presides over the trial of a black teenage youth who is convicted of killing a white elderly woman he was trying to rape. There are more twists and turns than on San Francisco”s famed Lombard Street.
David H. Brown was an Ohio newspaper reporter for nearly 15 years before beginning a 24-year career as a government public information officer. Retiring in 1991, he became a community college adjunct professor. His first book, which came out in 1995, was titled I WOULD RATHER BE AUDITED BY THE IRS THAN GIVE A SPEECH. After 9/11, he wrote two books critical of current airport security procedures — NINE/ELEVEN and AIRLINE PASSENGER SCREEING HAS BECOME A FEMA-TYPE SNAFU — based on having been the press officer for the original FAA anti-skyjacking task force during 1969-70. Since then, he has written two novels based on his work experiences — OPERATION RED HERRING and THE MEMORIAL/DECORATION DAY WAR.
12 Ebooks door David H. Brown
David H. Brown: Murder at 250 Center Street
Wild things go on in Moundsville, the normally quiet seat of Chippewa County. Newborn fraternal twins are abandoned in the basement of an apartment building, but survive without nourishment for eight …
David H. Brown: Operation Red Herring
Don’t let the gruesome murders of a man and a woman in the basement of a former government building just off Capitol Hill in Washington, DC lull you into thinking this is just another mystery novel. …
David H. Brown & Robin Porter: Management Issues in China: Volume 1
This book, first published in 1996, examines the problems associated with the management of change, particularly those brought about by the rapid pace of economic development in China in the ‘reform’ …
David H. Brown & Robin Porter: Management Issues in China: Volume 1
This book, first published in 1996, examines the problems associated with the management of change, particularly those brought about by the rapid pace of economic development in China in the ‘reform’ …
David H. Brown: Light Inside
Originally published in 2003, The Light Inside is a ground-breaking study of an Afro-Cuban secret society, its sacred arts, and their role in modern Cuban cultural history. Enslaved Africans and creo …
David H. Brown: Light Inside
Originally published in 2003, The Light Inside is a ground-breaking study of an Afro-Cuban secret society, its sacred arts, and their role in modern Cuban cultural history. Enslaved Africans and creo …
David H. Brown: Full Body Scam
This is an update of two previously published books on this subject, which are both included in this volume.As the last remaining member of, and press officer for, the Federal Aviation Administration …
David H. Brown: The Condo Board
Anyone living in a gated community or in a condominium property knows there is an elected board of directors. They wield a lot of power and spend the residents’ money – wisely or not. Acrimony often …
David H. Brown: Only Death
This is a historical-fictional novel based on an actual event that occurred in Williamsburg County, South Carolina, in the year 1870. Some names have been changed, and some events have been embellish …
David H. Brown: Santeria Enthroned
Ever since its emergence in colonial-era Cuba, Afro-Cuban Santeria (or Lucumi) has displayed a complex dynamic of continuity and change in its institutions, rituals, and iconography. Originally publi …
David H. Brown: Santeria Enthroned
Ever since its emergence in colonial-era Cuba, Afro-Cuban Santeria (or Lucumi) has displayed a complex dynamic of continuity and change in its institutions, rituals, and iconography. Originally publi …
Jeremiah: Diving into Secure Access Service Edge
The SASE concept was coined by Gartner after seeing a pattern emerge in cloud and SD-WAN projects where full security integration was needed. The market behavior lately has sparked something like a ‘ …