Contributors ix
Foreword xiii
Preface xv
Section I Introduction 1
1 Epidemiology of Diabetes in Pregnancy 3
David Simmons
2 Pathophysiology of Diabetes in Pregna...
Contributors ix
Foreword xiii
Preface xv
Section I Introduction 1
1 Epidemiology of Diabetes in Pregnancy 3
David Simmons
2 Pathophysiology of Diabetes in Pregnancy 17
Francine Hughes Einstein
3 The Placenta in a Diabetic Pregnancy 31
Ursula Hiden and Gernot Desoye
Section II Gestational Diabetes 47
4 Screening for Gestational Diabetes 49
David A. Sacks
5 Diagnostic Criteria for Hyperglycemia in Pregnancy 61
Robert S. Lindsay
6 Lifestyle Treatment 73
Christina Anne Vinter and Dorte Møller Jensen
7 Obesity and Diabetes in Pregnancy 87
H. David Mc Intyre, Marloes Dekker Nitert, Helen L. Barrett and Leonie K. Callaway
8 Metabolic Abnormalities in Gestational Diabetes 105
Ravi Retnakaran
9 Maternal Risk After the Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Pregnancy 115
Lisa Chasan-Taber and Catherine Kim
Section III Diabetes Preceding Pregnancy 127
10 Pre-Pregnancy Care in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes 129
Rosemary C. Temple and Katharine P. Stanley
11 Malformations 141
Montserrat Balsells, Apolonia García-Patterson, Juan María Adelantado and Rosa Corcoy
12 Provision of Pregnancy Care 153
Jenny Myers, Susan Quinn, Gretta Kearney, Susan Curtis, Prasanna Rao-Balakrishna and Michael Maresh
13 Problems Encountered More Frequently in Women with Type 1 Diabetes 167
Una M. Graham, Michael Maresh and David R. Mc Cance
14 Problems Encountered More Frequently in Women with Type 2 Diabetes 179
Lorie M. Harper
15 Advances in Oral Anti-Diabetes Drugs in Pregnancy 189
Geetha Mukerji and Denice S. Feig
16 Advances in Insulin Therapy 203
Gioia N. Canciani, Zoe A. Stewart and Helen R. Murphy
17 Putting Pregnant Women with Diabetes on the Pump 215
Peter Hammond
18 Pregnancy, Perinatal, and Fertility Outcomes Following Bariatric Surgery 227
Aubrey R. Raimondi and Eyal Sheiner
19 Fetal Surveillance 243
Dipanwita Kapoor and Nia Jones
20 Complications in Pregnancy: Hypertension and Diabetic Nephropathy in Diabetes in Pregnancy 257
Elisabeth R. Mathiesen, Lene Ringholm and Peter Damm
21 Retinopathy in Diabetic Pregnancy 269
Jesia Hasan and Emily Y. Chew
Section IV Delivery and Postnatal Care 285
22 Delivery and Postdelivery Care: Obstetric Management of Labor, Delivery, and the Postnatal Period for Women with Type 1, Type 2, or Gestational Diabetes Mellitus 287
Jacques Lepercq
23 Diabetic Management in Labor, Delivery, and Postdelivery 297
Una M. Graham and David R. Mc Cance
24 Delivery and Postdelivery Care: Care of the Neonate 309
Jane M. Hawdon
25 Postpartum Contraception for Women with Diabetes 325
Anita L. Nelson
26 Breastfeeding and Diabetes 341
Elizabeth Stenhouse
Section V Implications for the Future 353
27 Implications for the Mother with Diabetes 355
Ewa Wender-Ozegowska and David A. Sacks
28 Diabetes in Pregnancy: Implications for the Offspring 367
Anne P. Starling and Dana Dabalea
29 From the Bench to the Bedside: Potential Future Therapies for Gestational Diabetes-The Enhancement of beta-Cell Mass and Function During Pregnancy 377
David J. Hill
Index 393