The poems of 60 Signs for Doomsday have a lyrical quality which should appeal to a general audience: doers of good, doers of evil, the righteous, Biblical scholars, the felonious, worshippers of satanic craft, boring housewives, high-and-mighty executives, fans of heavy metal music, and rage-filled healthcare professionals (just to name a few).David Jonathan Newman’s unique vision and mastery of language has afforded the literary world a rare treat indeed! Although 60 Signs for Doomsday is the third installment of poems from an irrepressible voice of apocalyptic thought and end-time ideology, it concurrently weaves a subtle message of hope and union.The musicality of 60 Signs for Doomsday is undeniable. Word art is the best way to describe Newman’s works- with the best poems being imminently hummable as well as memorable.60 Signs for Doomsday is a collection of poems that comes precariously close to insanity-is the evil inherent in our world enough to push good people over the edge? What defines evil? Who embodies evil? Are you evil? Am I evil?
Over de auteur
David Jonathan Newman is a prolific writer, philosopher, and musician. He is the author of two critically acclaimed poetic tomes Pure Luck & Good Fury and The Light Looks Another Way. He resides in Manchester, Connecticut but hopes to make it to LA or NY to pursue his wild obsessions.