Auteur: Denise Prevost

Denise Prévost is Associate Professor in International Economic Law at Maastricht University. She has fifteen years” experience developing and teaching WTO law courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level for law and political science students both in the Netherlands and elsewhere. She has also developed and taught training modules on WTO law for government officials and other professionals.

4 Ebooks door Denise Prevost

Fabian Amtenbrink & Denise Prévost: Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2017
This Volume of the Netherlands Yearbook of International Law explores emerging trends and key developments in international economic law. It examines shifts in the levels of cooperation (from multila …
Geert Van Calster & Denise Prevost: Research Handbook on Environment, Health and the WTO
This Handbook provides state-of-the-art analysis by leading authors on the links between the international trade regime and health and environment concerns – concerns that make up an increasing propo …