About the Authors ix
1 Introduction 1
Note 3
References 4
2 Heritage Assets: Their Nature and Management Implications 5
Introduction 5
Some introductory thoughts...
About the Authors ix
1 Introduction 1
Note 3
References 4
2 Heritage Assets: Their Nature and Management Implications 5
Introduction 5
Some introductory thoughts about heritage assets 6
Heritage assets and their management implications 8
Owners, managers and management approaches 45
References 46
3 Heritage Values and Cultural Significance 49
Benefits of conservation 50
Understanding the cultural significance of a heritage asset 57
Development in the idea of values 58
Value characterisation: typologies 62
Categories of values 66
Some examples of assets and their values 73
References 82
4 Assessing Significance 85
Establishing and analysing the origins and development of an asset 85
Gathering evidence about significance 86
Research and types of evidence 88
Primary source material 90
Secondary material 97
Interpreting the building/physical remains 99
Establishing and analysing the character, dynamics and setting of the asset 100
Assessing community values 104
Analysing significance 107
Assessing significance: comparisons and relativity 108
Comparisons 111
Some issues in value assessment 113
Sensitivity to change 116
References 118
5 Using Significance in Management Tools and Processes 121
Introduction 121
The conservation plan 122
The management plan 143
Management tools for historic areas 149
Historic area appraisals 151
Characterisation 156
Heritage impact assessments 160
Heritage statements within the development planning process 172
Local management agreements 174
Care, design and quality standards guidance 179
References 184
6 Maintenance Management 187
Introduction 187
A strategic perspective 189
Recording 192
Financial management of maintenance management 213
Information management in maintenance management 214
Performance indicators 214
References 215
7 Sustainability, Built Heritage and Conservation Values: Some Observations 217
Introduction 217
Sustainable development 217
Sustainability and the built heritage 219
Trade-offs 220
Charters and guidance documents 221
Sustainable management of historic buildings 225
References 227
8 Conservation Principles 229
Introduction 229
Development of conservation principles 229
Core conservation principles 230
The relationship between significance-based management and traditional conservation principles 239
References 240
9 Case Studies 243
Case Study 1: Royal Dart Hotel, Kingswear, Devon, England 243
Case Study 2: Baixa, Maputo, Mozambique 249
Case Study 3: The Site of the Former Taunton Gaol, Taunton, Somerset, England 253
Case Study 4: Maintaining the Commonwealth War Graves 256
References 266
Index 267