‘What was most amazing about being David’s friend was having a front-row seat to witness the transformation of an ‘ordinary’ man into a God-man. David, when I met him, was a fellow devotee, one of us.’
‘As the years went on, I watched this normal guy become a spiritual powerhouse, watched his dedication, his mistakes, his acknowledgement of those mistakes and his determination to get right with God, to be driven only by the desire to know God fully and follow God only.’
‘David modeled for me, and I am sure for many, how to be the perfect sadhaka. He was very one-pointed in his goal. He flew past us all - his was the airplane route - but always so lovingly, he would turn and extend his hand to us, lifting us up so we too could aspire to the same lofty peaks.’
‘David showed me that the Guru serves the devotees so tenderly and humbly, and serves all humanity so selflessly, sparing no concern for themselves - and in so doing, melts the boundaries of ego into all-surrendering pure Divine Love.’