Master’s Thesis from the year 2016 in the subject Medicine – Pharmacology, Pharmacy, , language: English, abstract: The aim of the present study is (1) the screening group of plants that are traditionally used as immune-enhancers in an attempt to find the major fractions that are responsible for the activity of these plants and correlating them with already published studies. (2) The Modification of structure of the most active immunomodulatory component through semisynthetic derivatization reactions. The modifications will be made in pursuance of gaining a deeper insight of the structural requirements for immunomodulatory activity. (3) Testing the immunomodulatory activities of both natural and semisynthetic compounds. And (4) studying the mechanism of action of the active compounds as antioxidantand anti-proliferative.
Immunity is the body ability to identify and resist harmful pathogen. Metaphorically, the immunity is the body’s army that enables prevention as well as fighting of infectious diseasestoprotect self-tissues and organs from damage.
The immune system has a multi-layered construction with multiple defense stages. The skin is considered the first barrier of immunity. Then, physiological barriers take place, which are body physical conditions for examplep H and temperature that affordunsuitableenvironments for pathogens to live. Then, if a pathogen has escaped the first barriers and entered the body, it deals with innate immunity as well as acquired and/or adaptive immunity. Both systems consist of number of molecules and cells that interact in a complex manner to detect and eliminate any threat. Detection as well as elimination relay on bonding of immune cellular surface receptors as well as chemical binding to pathogens to trigger complex interaction of signaling of immune response.
Over de auteur
Professor Farid Badria, (currently an Emeritus Professor in Pharmacognosy De-partment), Ph.D. in Microbial Transformation from the University of Mississippi, USA, and 2 Masters of Science in Pharmacognosy and Cell Biology from Egypt and USA
TWAS-ARO- TWAS-ARO, in “Public Understanding and Popularization of Sci-ence (2013), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Gold Medal as The Best Inventor in Egypt (2011), Recognition Outstanding Award in Medicine (Egypt, 2001), Outstanding Arab Scholar, Kuwait (2000); Khawrazmi Award, Iran (2000), are just to mention some of the awards he received.
Prof. Badria has submitted 43 patents, of which 16 had been granted certificates with intellectual protection for 20 years. With over 200 publica-tions, 8 books, and many review articles, He continues to lead research projects on: developing new therapy for liver disorders, arthritis, skin disor-ders, and biomarkers for cancer.
Research Interests:
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
– Diagnosis of Cancers (Ovarian and Liver)
– Diagnosis of Pathological Disorders of Retina.
– Decision Making of Viral infection of liver.
– Prediction of Health Hazards of Obesity.
– Predication of Developing Liver Cancer
– Optimization of Extraction Methods of Medicinal plants.
– Inhibitors for Aldose reductase for treatment of Cataract
– Inhibitors for Amylase and Glucosidase for treatment of Obesity and Diabetes.
– Inhibitors for Proline hydroxylase for treatment of Liver Fibrosis.
– Inhibitors for Tyrosinase for treatment of Hyperpigmentation.
– Inhibitors for Hyaluronidase for treatment of skin aging
– Inhibitors for Topoisomerase for treatment of cancer
– Inhibitors for Leukotriene Hydrolase for treatment of Inflammatory Disorders (Hepatitis, IBS, Bronchial Asthma)
Developing New Therapy for Liver Disorders
– Hepatoselective Fibrosuppressive Agents from Natural Origin.
– Early Diagnosis and Intervention of Progress of Liver Cancer
– Mechanism of Natural Products on Hepatic Stellate Cells, fatty liver, and HCC.
– Natural Endogenous Interferon Stimulant from Natural Products
– Schistomicidal Agents
Developing New Therapy for Skin Disorders:
– Phytotherapy for Alopecia Aerata
– New Phytotherapy for Hirsutism and Hyperpigmentation disorders
– New Therapy for Amyloidosis
Biomarkers: A New Marker for Hepatocellular Carcinoma, nephropathy, and liver fibrosis