3 Ebooks door Domenico D. Alessandro
Domenico D’Alessandro: Remo Altavilla e le Streghe di Malevento
Remo è un ragazzo dalla vita anche troppo normale, quasi noiosa se non fosse per qualche insopportabile compagno di scuola. In un giorno solo tutto cambia e l’incredibile diventa realtà. Maghi e rapi …
Domenico D’Alessandro: Introduction to Quantum Control and Dynamics
The introduction of control theory in quantum mechanics has created a rich, new interdisciplinary scientific field, which is producing novel insight into important theoretical questions at the heart …
Domenico D’Alessandro: Introduction to Quantum Control and Dynamics
The introduction of control theory in quantum mechanics has created a rich, new interdisciplinary scientific field, which is producing novel insight into important theoretical questions at the heart …