Mixed methods in evaluation have the potential to enhance the credibility of evaluation and the outcomes of evaluation. This issue explores advances in understanding mixed methods in philosophical, theoretical, and methodological terms and presents specific illustrations of the application of these concepts in evaluation practice. Leading thinkers in the mixed methods evaluation community provide frameworks and strategies that are associated with improving the probability of reaching the goals of enhanced credibility for evaluations, the evidence they produce, and the actions taken as a result of the evaluation findings.
This is the 138th volume of the Jossey-Bass quarterly report series New Directions for Evaluation, an official publication of the American Evaluation Association.
Donna M. Mertens, Sharlene Hesse-Biber
1. Mixed Methods and Credibility of Evidence in Evaluation5
Donna M. Mertens, Sharlene Hesse-Biber
Mixed methods can potentially contribute to an increase in thecredibility of evidence in evaluation because it can provide afuller understanding than a single method alone. However, evaluators need to be cognizant of the assumptions that they aremaking when choosing to use mixed methods.
2. Pragmatism, Evidence, and Mixed Methods Evaluation 15
Jori N. Hall
Pragmatism according to Dewey emphasizes intelligent action. Theauthor uses this form of pragmatism to explore intelligent actionin mixed methods research.
3. What Does a Transformative Lens Bring to Credible Evidence in Mixed Methods Evaluations? 27
Donna M. Mertens
Mixed methods have a role to play in conducting and usingevaluations that are designed to address issues of social justiceand human rights; a transformative lens facilitates theidentification of appropriate strategies.
4. Considering the Evidence-and-Credibility Discussion in Evaluation Through the Lens of Dialectical Pluralism 37
R. Burke Johnson, Tres Stefurak
Dialectical pluralism is a philosophy that allows for engagingdifferences through dialogue. The application of dialecticalpluralism to methodological approaches in evaluation allows fordialogue about the differences in the use of quantitative andqualitative approaches in a mixed methods study.
5. Thinking Outside the Randomized Controlled Trials Experimental Box: Strategies for Enhancing Credibility and Social Justice 49
Sharlene Hesse-Biber
Weaving and shifting methodological perspectives and methodsinto randomized controlled trials (RCT)-based evaluations prior to, during, or after the RCT design holds promise of enhancing thecredibility and social-justice RCT praxis.
6. The Use of Mixed Methods in Randomized Control Trials61
Howard White
Impact evaluation is about determining if an intervention hadthe desired impact; randomized control trials are the best methodfor determining this type of causation. Mixed methods can be usedto address questions related to the quality of the implementationand reaching the targeted population.
7. The Contribution of Pluralistic Qualitative Approaches to Mixed Methods Evaluations 75
Nollaig Frost, Sevasti-Melissa Nolas
Use of multiple qualitative approaches in the same studyprovides evidence that can be used to enhance efforts to scale upsmall interventions. The authors draw lessons from this use ofmultiple qualitative approaches for evaluators using mixedmethods.
8. Establishing Interpretive Consistency When Mixing Approaches:Role of Sampling Designs in Evaluations 85
Kathleen M. T. Collins, Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie
Mixed methods studies involve the use of samples for both thequantitative and qualitative portions of the study. Qualitycriteria are presented for the sampling processes used in mixedmethods evaluations.
9. Incorporating Qualitative Evidence in Systematic Reviews:Strategies and Challenges 97
Valerie J. Caracelli, Leslie J. Cooksy
Criteria for quality in quantitative and qualitative approacheshave implications for synthesizing studies that use mixed methods.The authors discuss the challenges and put forth ideas forconducting syntheses of mixed methods studies in evaluation.
10. Reflections and Ruminations 109
Jennifer C. Greene
Mixed methods in evaluation encompasses philosophical, theoretical, and practice issues. Credibility of evidence isdependent on clarity in these respects, as well as on therelationships that are formed in an evaluation.
Over de auteur
Donna M. Mertens and Sharlene Hesse-Biber are the authors of Mixed Methods and Credibility of Evidence in Evaluation: New Directions for Evaluation, Number 138, published by Wiley.