The TRUE story of a Midwestern Honky-Tonk gal who drank too much, parented too little, wrote country songs, and married 7 times . . . she was my mother!
Forgive those you love … Before it’s too late.
Parental relationships can be challenging. Dorenda understands that better than most. As a child with a beautiful, talented mother who married seven times, drank too much, and parented too little — whom she loved, but did not like — life growing up was not always easy.
Years later, she came to realize that difficult dynamics continue to affect and harm our lives and current relationships. While writing her mom’s eulogy, she recognized there is no such thing as ‘burying the past.’
It was a rude awakening to discover that her mother had ultimately taught her the most important lessons we, humans, can learn in life:
- forgive unconditionally, even what you can’t forget.
- love without judgment.
Dorenda offers her story of healing and forgiveness as she discovered that her mom was actually a pretty likable, remarkable, and admirable person. She just had to get to know her.
This memoir is for anyone who had a difficult or traumatic childhood because of alcohol, abuse, divorce, neglect or poverty. Most especially, this book is for anyone who needs forgiveness and healing in their life.
Don’t let past hurts–abuse, poverty, divorce, neglect, alcohol, or whatever it is you can’t forget–rob you of your joy and happiness now. Join the author as she forged her own path to unconditional forgiveness.
Get How I Learned to Like My Mom today.
Table of Contents
Prologue: The Mom I Loved but Didn’t Like
Chapter 1: Why Read a Book About Someone Else’s Mom?
Chapter 2: Mom’s Family
Chapter 3: Mom’s Seven Marriages
Chapter 4: Putting Food on the Table
Chapter 5: Highs and Lows
Chapter 6: Parenting 101
Chapter 7: Beauty Is as Beauty Does
Chapter 8: The Mother We Were Proud to Know
Chapter 9: The Downfall
Chapter 10: NOT the Worst Mother After All
Epilogue: My Mother’s Memorial Service
Tribute to My Mom, Jo Buchanan
Tribute to My Grandma Jo
Tribute to My Youngest Sister, Sadie Jo Lowry
Songs By My Mom
My Final Words: Unfinished Business
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About the Author