Savannah Tempest is a new novel from the second era of two-Savannahs,
one free and one oppressed, twisted together from slavery and hammered
out through the lives of Jewish fertilizer merchants Ludlow Cohen and
Gilbert Wilkins. Compelled to serve as confederate undercover agents
with secessionist and Klu Klux Klan member Mike Paine, their lives
take a different turn during the turbulent aftermath of the Civil War and
the unyielding demand of the Klu Klux Klan organizers to re-enslave
Aaron Alpeoria Bradley and Negro freedmen. Without the influence of
Eliza Andrews and Amora Conte, Sociologist/Historian and novelist Dr.
Edgar W. Butlers gripping story, would be as incomplete as Gone With
the Wind without Scarlett OHara. Set in 19th century Georgia, this story
unfolds among some of the souths historic events. While General W. T.
Sherman was presenting Savannah to President Lincoln as a Christmas
gift, Ludlow Cohen was unknowingly experiencing some relation-ships
that would impact the rest of his life and Savannah. The author weaves
an arsenal of emotionsfear, hate, love, rage, and forbidden sex, that
inflamed the smoldering frustrations of life in post-Civil War Savannah.
The book culminates in a duel between Ludlow and Mike Paine, a leader
of the Klu Klux Klan. This illustrated book had benefit of the wonderful
work of many graphic artists of the era who helped visualize the panorama.
Diaries, newspapers, censuses, academic books and articles were utilized
in recording authentic words and sentiments of persons from all of these
Over de auteur
Dr. Edgar W. Butler is the author of Race and the Jury and 15 other books.
This volume is dedicated to my critic, challenger, confidant, and friend, the late W. W. Law of Savannah. A renowned historian, preservationist,
and symbol of the civil rights struggle, he dedicated his life to fighting