Auteur: Elaine Weiner

Elaine Weiner is an Associate Professor in Sociology at Mc Gill University, Canada. Her research interests lie at the intersection of gender, work, and Central and East European societies. She is the author of Market Dreams: Gender, Class, and Capitalism in the Czech Republic (2007). She has also published chapters in various books as well as articles in journals such as the European Journal of Women’s Studies, Social Problems, and Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society.

2 Ebooks door Elaine Weiner

Henry F. Carey: Challenges of European Governance in the Age of Economic Stagnation, Immigration, and Refugees
This book examines the political and legal challenges of regional governance of the 28 countries of the European Union and the 48 in the Council of Europe. The contributions, dilemmas, and moral haza …
Heather MacRae & Elaine Weiner: Towards Gendering Institutionalism
Gender has traditionally proven to be a ‘;blind spot’ for new institutionalists. This book bring gender to the fore as a critical aspect of institutions and opens up new avenues to interrogate the dy …