Anglo-Norman Studies is nothing if not wide-ranging. One opens each new volume expecting to find the unexpected – new light on old arguments, new material, new angles. MEDIUM AEVUM
This year’s volume continues to demonstrate the vitality of scholarship in this area, across a variety of disciplines. Topics include the forging of the Battle Abbey Chronicle; warring schoolmasters in eleventh-century Rouen; theimpact of the Conquest on England; the circulation of manuscripts between England and Normandy; and Earl Harold and the Foundation of Waltham Holy Cross.
Contributors: Julie Barrau, Christopher Clark, Laura Cleaver, Stefan de Jong, Simon Keynes, Tom Licence, Brigitte Meijns, Thomas O’Donnell, Alheydis Plassman, Elisabeth Ridel, Chris Whittick, Ann Williams
Why Do Battles Matter? – Christopher M. Clark
From Conquest to Commonwealth: Cross-Channel Circulation of Biblical Culture in the Anglo-Norman World – Julie Barrau
Documentation, Forgery and the Making of the Chronicle of Battle Abbey (British Library, MS Cotton Domitian A II) – Laura Cleaver
Rival Schoolmasters in Early Eleventh-Century Rouen with Special Reference to the Poetry of Warner of Rouen (fl. 996-1027) (The Marjorie Chibnall Memorial Essay) – Stefan de Jong
Remembering the Battle of Hastings: Memorialization, le Souvenir Normand, and the Entente Cordiale – Brian Golding
Earl Harold and the Foundation of Waltham Holy Cross (1062) – Simon Keynes
Edward the Confessor and the Succession Question: A Fresh Look at the Sources – Tom Licence
England and Flanders Around 1066: The Cult of the English Saints Oswald and Lewinna in the Comital Abbey of Bergues – Brigitte Meijns
Carmen de Hastingae Proelio: Politics and the Poetics of 1067 – Thomas O’Donnell
England and Germany: Two Perspectives – Alheydis Plassmann
Les préparatifs nautiques de la Conquête: un héritage viking? Les mots ont la parole… – Elisabeth Ridel
Battle Abbey and the Vellomaniacs – Locating the Monastic Archive – Christopher Whittick, Senior Archivist
Of Danes and Thegns and Domesday Book: Scandinavian Settlement in eleventh-century Berkshire – Ann Williams
Over de auteur
THOMAS O’DONNELL is Associate Professor of English and Medieval Studies at Fordham University, New York, USA.