Auteur: Fang Wang

Ms. WANG Fang (1973-) is Associate Professor in College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Peking University and a registered urban planner. After receiving a Ph.D. in Architectural Design and Theory from Tsinghua University, WANG completed her postdoctoral research in geography, with a concentration in urban planning, at Peking University. From 2011 to 2012 Dr. WANG was a visiting scholar at Harvard University Graduate School of Design. She is a member of the Chinese Academy of City Planning, Chinese Geographical Society, and Chinese Architectural Society. Her research introduces geographical philosophy, methods and techniques into the traditionally engineering-dominated fields of urban planning and architectural design. Her focus is also known as “geographical planning and design”–research on the influence of geography upon urban planning and design and, reflexively, urban planning and design responses to geography. Her research field bases on the protection and renewal of cultural landscape and historical district. Dr. WANG has published over 60 articles and 2 books and has translated a total of 8 books. She has piloted a China Natural Science Foundation project (NSFC, No. 51078003) and 6 other projects of provincial and ministry-level funding. Mr. Martin Prominski (1967-) is Full Professor for “Designing urban landscapes” at Leibniz University Hanover since 2009. He studied landscape planning at Technical University of Berlin and received a Master in Landscape Architecture from Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, with the support of a DAAD scholarship. He has a Ph D from TU Berlin, published in 2004 as “Landschaft Entwerfen”. From 2003-2008 he was assistant professor in “Theory of contemporary landscape architecture” at Leibniz University Hanover. He co-founded the Journal of Landscape Architecture (Jo LA) in 2006 and was an editor for it until 2010. He is a member of the Chamber of Architects, the German Academy for Urban Design and Land Use Planning or the STUDIO URBANE LANDSCHAFTEN, an interdisciplinary platform on research, practice and teaching on urban landscapes. He has published three books and more than 45 articles in books and journals. He has piloted a German Research Foundation project (DFG, No.PR 920/2-1), two projects for the German Federal Foundation for the Environment (DBU), one project for the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony and co-piloted two projects for the European Union. 

15 Ebooks door Fang Wang

Fang Wang & Leslie N.K. Lo: Navigating Educational Change in China
This book is a reflection on the complexity of educational change in China through the lens of a senior academic who has occupied many diverse roles in the academe, from political worker to dean of f …
Weicheng Cui & Xiaoping Huang: Towards a Unified Fatigue Life Prediction Method for Marine Structures
In order to apply the damage tolerance design philosophy to design marine structures, accurate prediction of fatigue crack growth under service conditions is required. Now, more and more people have …
Fang Wang & Martin Prominski: Urbanization and Locality
Based on a discussion of conflicts in the urbanization process, this book provides theoretical and practical solutions for the preservation and development of urban localities. On the basis of inform …
Fang Wang: Geo-Architecture and Landscape in China’s Geographic and Historic Context
This book analyzes forms of architectures within the frame concept of geo-architecture, and looks into the interaction of architecture and its environment. It starts by discussing the collisions betw …
Fang Wang: Geo-Architecture and Landscape in China’s Geographic and Historic Context
This book approaches the concept of geo-architecture from the perspective of functions of architectures by analyzing the cases of traditional Chinese houses and tombs as well as palaces and places of …
Fang Wang: Geo-Architecture and Landscape in China’s Geographic and Historic Context
This book explores the concept of geo-architecture by analyzing the ways architectures are related to the local geography, including mingling or contrasting with surrounding landscape, adapting …
Fang Wang: Geo-Architecture and Landscape in China’s Geographic and Historic Context
This book approaches the concept of geo-architecture by analyzing the symbolic characters of architectures. It proves that the relationship between architecture and geography is not merely an embodim …
Fang Wang: Beijing Urban Memory
From the cross-disciplinary perspective of urban management and planning, geography and architecture, this book explores the theory and methods of urban memory, selecting Beijing’s historic buildings …
Zhaojun Wang & Yingxin Zhu: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2019)
This book presents selected papers from the 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2019), with a focus on HVAC techniques for improving indoor environment q …
Zhaojun Wang & Yingxin Zhu: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2019)
This book presents selected papers from the 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2019), with a focus on HVAC techniques for improving indoor environment q …
Zhaojun Wang & Yingxin Zhu: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2019)
This book presents selected papers from the 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2019), with a focus on HVAC techniques for improving indoor environment q …
Fang Wang & Martin Prominski: Water-Related Urbanization and Locality
This book discusses the protection, planning, and design of sustainable urban water environments. Against the backdrop of environmental changes, it addresses issues of water resource protection and s …
Yiming Wang & He Tian: Judicial Transparency in China
Based on the Judicial Transparency Index Assessment (2019 and 2020) conducted in China by the Institute of Law of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, this book summarizes and analyzes the current …
Ravi Naidu: Contaminants in agricultural soils
  • Reviews the main types of contaminants in agricultural soils, such as heavy metals, pesticide residues and petroleum hydrocarbon waste products, per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) con …
Fang Wang & Zongxin Qian: RMB Internationalization in 2023
The ‘Report on RMB Internationalization 2023: Broadening and Deepening Economic and Trade Cooperation’ is the 12th annual report from the International Monetary Institute (IMI) at Renmin University o …