Comprehensive and accessible guide to the three main approaches
to robust control design and its applications
Optimal control is a mathematical field that is concerned with
control policies that can be deduced using optimization algorithms.
The optimal control approach to robust control design differs from
conventional direct approaches to robust control that are more
commonly discussed by firstly translating the robust control
problem into its optimal control counterpart, and then solving the
optimal control problem.
Robust Control Design: An Optimal Control Approach offers
a complete presentation of this approach to robust control design,
presenting modern control theory in an concise manner. The other
two major approaches to robust control design, the H_infinite
approach and the Kharitonov approach, are also covered and
described in the simplest terms possible, in order to provide a
complete overview of the area. It includes up-to-date research, and
offers both theoretical and practical applications that include
flexible structures, robotics, and automotive and aircraft
Robust Control Design: An Optimal Control Approach will
be of interest to those needing an introductory textbook on robust
control theory, design and applications as well as graduate and
postgraduate students involved in systems and control research.
Practitioners will also find the applications presented useful when
solving practical problems in the engineering field.
1 Introduction.
1.1 Systems and Control
1.2 Modern Control Theory
1.3 Stability
1.4 Optimal Control
1.5 Optimal Control Approach
1.6 Kharitonov Approach
1.7 H_ and H2 Control
1.8 Applications
1.9 Use of This Book
2 Fundamentals of Control Theory.
2.1 State Space Model
2.2 Responses of Linear Systems
2.3 Similarity Transformation
2.4 Controllability and Observability
2.5 Pole Placement by State Feedback
2.6 Pole Placement Using Observer
2.7 Notes and References
2.8 Problems
3 Stability Theory.
3.1 Stability and Lyapunov Theorem
3.2 Linear Systems
3.3 Routh-Hurwitz Criterion
3.4 Nyquist Criterion
3.5 Stabilizability and Detectability
3.6 Notes and References
3.7 Problems
4 Optimal Control and Optimal Observers.
4.1 Optimal Control Problem
4.2 Principle of Optimality
4.3 Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation
4.4 Linear Quadratic Regulator Problem
4.5 Kalman Filter
4.6 Notes and References
4.7 Problems
5 Robust Control of Linear Systems.
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Matched Uncertainty
5.3 Unmatched Uncertainty
5.4 Uncertainty in the Input Matrix
5.5 Notes and References
5.6 Problems
6 Robust Control of Nonlinear Systems.
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Matched Uncertainty
6.3 Unmatched Uncertainty
6.4 Uncertainty in the Input Matrix
6.5 Notes and References
6.6 Problems
7 Kharitonov Approach.
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Preliminary Theorems
7.3 Kharitonov Theorem
7.4 Control Design Using Kharitonov Theorem
7.5 Notes and References
7.6 Problems
8 H and H2
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Function Space
8.3 Computation of H2 and H_ Norms
8.4 Robust Control Problem as H2 and H_
8.5 H2/H_ Control Synthesis
8.6 Notes and References
8.7 Problems
9 Robust Active Damping.
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Problem Formulation
9.3 Robust Active Damping Design
9.4 Active Vehicle Suspension System
9.5 Discussion
9.6 Notes and References
10 Robust Control of Manipulators.
10.1 Robot Dynamics
10.2 Problem Formulation
10.3 Robust Control Design
10.4 Simulations
10.5 Notes and References
11 Aircraft Hovering Control.
11.1 Modelling and Problem Formulation
11.2 Control Design for Jet-borne Hovering
11.3 Simulation
11.4 Notes and References
Appendix A: Mathematical Modelling of Physical
References and Bibliography.
Over de auteur
Feng Lin, Ph D, is a Senior Design Engineer in DRAM Design R&D at Micron Technology, Inc. His research interests include high-speed I/O circuits, PLL/DLL, and mixed-signal circuit design. Dr. Lin holds over 50 granted or pending patents related to DRAM and integrated circuit design.