Qu Xiang Bi Lei is the metaphorizing process and the way of forming metaphors in Chinese medicine, and metaphor is its deep structure. In real fact, Chinese medicine is a linguistic medical system for it forms in the way of linguistication and metaphorization. Interpreting metaphors in Chinese medicine is a key to understand, reconstruct, inherit and develop Chinese medicine.
1 Cultural Differences between Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine
2 Tian Ren He Yi:
The Ontological Presupposition of Chinese Medicine
3 Qu Xiang Bi Lei:
The Metaphorizing Process and the Way of Forming Metaphors in Chinese Medicine
4 Metaphors in Chinese Medicine:
Revealing Relationships and an Exact Thinking
5 Metaphorizing:
The Way to Bridge The Book of Changes and Chinese Medicine
6. Metaphorizing:
A Vital Approach to Understand Yin-Yang and Five Phases
7 Metaphorizing:
A Vital Way to Understand the Human Being
8 Number Metaphors for Constructing the Theoretical System of Chinese Medicine
9 Metaphorizing:
A Vital Way to Understand and Modernize Chinese Herbal Medicine
10 Metaphorizing:
A Vital Way to Understand the Concept of Health and Disease
11 Metaphorizing:
A Vital Way to Develop Chinese Medicine