Professional Perspectives on Fixed Income Portfolio Management, Volume 4 is a valuable practitioner-oriented text that addresses the current developments as well as key strategies and central theories in this field. Filled with insightful articles that focus on three important areas of fixed income portfolio management-fixed income analysis and strategies, credit risk and credit derivatives, and structured products-this volume contains hard-won practical knowledge and theory that will allow you to navigate today’s market with poise and confidence.
Written by experienced fixed income professionals, this comprehensive volume offers in-depth analysis on a wide range of fixed income portfolio management issues, including:
* Risk/return trade-offs on fixed income asset classes
* Consistency of carry strategies in Europe
* The Euro benchmark yield curve
* Quantitative approaches versus fundamental analysis for valuing corporate credit
* The implication of Merton models for corporate bond investors
* The valuation of credit default swaps
* Framework for secondary market collateralized debt obligation valuation
For the financial professional who needs to understand the advanced characteristics of fixed income portfolio management, Professional Perspectives on Fixed Income Portfolio Management, Volume 4 offers the most current thinking from the most experienced professionals in this field. Increase your knowledge of this market and enhance your financial performance for years to come with Professional Perspectives on Fixed Income Portfolio Management, Volume 4.
Contributing Authors.
Risk/Return Trade-Offs on Fixed Income Asset Classes (Laurent Gauthier and Laurie Goodman).
Fixed Income Risk Modeling for Portfolio Managers (Ludovic Breger).
Tracking Error (William Lloyd, Bharath Manium, and Mats Gustavsson).
Consistency of Carry Strategies in Europe (Antti Ilmanen and Roberto Fumagalli).
The Euro Benchmark Yield Curve: Principal Component Analysis of Yield Curve Dynamics (Lionel Martellini, Philippe Priaulet, and Stéphane Priaulet).
Dollar Rolling?Does It Pay? (Jeffrey Ho and Laurie Goodman).
Valuing Corporate Credit: Quantitative Approaches versus Fundamental Analysis (Sivan Mahadevan, Young-Sup Lee, David Schwartz, Stephen Dulake, and Viktor Hjort).
Maturity, Capital Structure, and Credit Risk: Important Relationships for Portfolio Managers (Steven I. Dym).
A Unified Approach to Interest Rate Risk and Credit Risk of Cashand Derivative Instruments (Steven I. Dym).
Implications of Merton Models for Corporate Bond Investors(Wesley Phoa).
Some Issues in the Asset Swap Pricing of Credit Default Swaps(Moorad Choudhry).
Exploring the Default Swap Basis (Viktor Hjort).
The Valuation of Credit Default Swaps (Ren-Raw Chen, Frank J.Fabozzi, and Dominic O?Kane).
An Introduction to Residential ABS (John N. Mc Elravey).
Nonagency Prepayments and the Valuation of Nonagency Securities(Steve Bergantino).
The Role and Performance of Deep Mortgage Insurance in Subprime ABS Markets (Anand K. Bhattacharya and Jonathan Lieber).
Some Investment Characteristics of GNMA Project Loan Securities(Arthur Q. Frank and James M. Manzi).
A Framework for Secondary Market CDO Valuation (Sivan Mahadevanand David Schwartz).
Understanding Commercial Real Estate CDOs (Brian P.Lancaster).
Aircraft Valuation-Based Modeling of Pooled Aircraft ABS (Mark A. Heberle).
Over de auteur
FRANK J. FABOZZI, Ph D, CFA, is editor of the Journal of Portfolio Management, the Frederick Frank Adjunct Professor of Finance at Yale University’s School of Management, and a consultant in the fixed-income and derivatives area. Frank is a Chartered Financial Analyst and Certified Public Accountant who has edited and authored many acclaimed books in finance. He earned a doctorate in economics from the City University of New York in 1972. He is a Fellow of the International Center for Finance at Yale University.